Monthly Archives: October 2017

Bush-Obama; Dreadnoughts of the Governing Class

With both former Presidents recently taking the stage, each for their own specific interests, the press would have you believe that their respective patois was a slice’n dice of Trumps Presidency; not so.

Former President Obama’s presentation, a stump-grinding pitch for Virginia Governor Candidate Ralph Norman, was true to form complete with a delirious droll, well-known cadence and as to content, mostly topical retread. The reality for President Obama, despite our best hopes, is that he’ll never escape the fact that his two-term festival-of-the-entitled is a catalogue of failures, one that history will not soon forget.

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Health Insurance Subsidies; will Trump-Cut Help?

Your first thoughts for understanding this issue is to know that since Obamacare Subsidies began, Insurance Companies have posted Record Profits?  How does one then make a connection that an already failing insurance market, one that didn’t exist before Obamacare was enacted, one that now insures (overall) less people than it did before Obamacare was enacted and one that has caused an average of 160 percent rise in premiums (some areas as high as 239 percent), one that relies more on Medicare/Medicaid coverage than any single other market-source, is somehow and suddenly capable of success if only the President were to leave the floodgate of Insurance Company Subsidies in place?

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Did ISIS Assume Paddock I.D.?

Even with all of the media coverage there is still very little intimate knowledge of Paddock. Psychopathic behavior is rarely, if ever so risk-adverse, as to not leave trace elements in one form or another. Something is awry in the current portfolio of thought as integral to this type of Individuals structural imbalance that is a virtual assurance they possess a deep-seated desire for recognition and yet, allegedly, even those closest to him never suspected or were alerted to the occurrence of suspicious activities. Further, given the indomitable capabilities of the FBI, particularly in profiling, it should call one to conclude that perhaps all is not what it seems.

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