Category Archives: Stand 4

Tis the Season so be your Gift!

I’m thinking that the reason for why the world’s in such a mess is mostly because there are an insufficient number of folks interested in doing anything about it.

Cultures, Societies, and Nations ultimately fail largely because they lose, in ever increasing numbers, the singular potency of the Individual, the irreplaceable identity of what is Sacred, of Sovereign, of the Billions and Billions of One-And-Only’ s (You) that have, over time, come and gone.

While we may find safety within the community of the horde it requires only the singular exercise of One to incites movement, to introduces or exposes a thought into action, an imagined image into form and so on; we ought not to lose sight of this truth.

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Israel: Two-State Moving Closer?

To better understand the importance of the President’s move to push forward with relocating the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem one needs to understand the history of Palestine particularly as it relates to the Israelites (historical geography and religious terms) and the historically temperamental role the British played, largely for preservative-economic reasons, in the mock-up of present-day Middle-East.

Today, oddly enough, much of the plenum-in-opposition to a two-state solution maintains the very same preservative-economic motives. Even if resting on the historical and religious arguments it’s quite difficult to substantively object to Israel’s right to a homeland securitized by International endorsement which is, by the way, no less the case for non-Jew’s/Arab’s and while the U.S. has, since 1948, supported and has come to represent the most conspicuous solution-advocate and, we should note, without the kinetic forces of other influential States.

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Steinle Decision: An Unrecoverable Loss!

Any person with an attachment to the common bond that inextricable links each Person to another will feel the pain of loss and even more so, in the case of Kate Steinle, when we consider her Father who will hear, forever, her last words.

The pain of knowing that as a Man, as a Father, his purpose being to protect and care for his child, discovers he is utterly helpless in the face of what would be his Daughters last request: “help me, Dad.”

Yes, let it sink in!

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The Fantasy of Parsing Boundaries in a Secular-World!

When will the allegations of depraved activity stop? Simple answer: when the open-boundaries fueling both the act itself, and then its tolerances, are closed.

When will women be totally emancipated and unburdened by this oppressive order? When they no longer believe that oppression offers an advantage, when they no longer assume that being a Woman is, on its own, a burden and that together each of these features, among all other permutations, are exclusive to women.

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Standing in Line: A Meaningless Form

Consider this: The ordinary man, his name is Bill, walking down the street who stops when he notices a long line of people standing along the sidewalk of full City block; he looks to his left and right and to him it appears as if the line continues around the block in both directions. His curiosity peaked he crosses the street and asks; “So, what’s this all about?”  One guy responds, “Can’t you see, we’re standing in line!” Within seconds the ribbon of people turn and look at him erupting into a dissonant cacophony of reprimands, “hey stupid, can’t you see there’s a line here, not cuts, go back to the end of the line!”  Annoyed by the response Bill continues along the line occasionally asking the same question receiving a similar response; he turns the corner and again he sees that the line does indeed continue.  He ask a woman; “Mam, can you tell me where the end of the line is?” She responds by pointing over her shoulder and with a bruising pitch proclaims,  “It’s back there!”  

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