Lose with Cruz!

Yes, mathematically Cruz could still receive the required Delegate Count, statistically though he has a less than 9.6 percent chance (taking into account the statistical calcs on to-date wins and delegate accumulations by Trump). The Bush-Clan is hard at work soiling the Convention and this can be seen thru the manner in which their super-pacs are recasting their image of Trump, their support of Cruz, the re-birth of the sniveling Mitt Romney, their pre-canvasing of state-by-state delegates and their working to alter Convention Rules even prior to the seating (at the Convention) of Delegates.

Before your very eyes you are witnessing, in action, the very reason why the American public has such contempt for their Government and though you may have good reason to vote for Cruz or for that matter any candidate, you will need to re-think your motives.

Cruz is holding to the belief that he can out-smart the elite and ride their coat-tails into a win over Trump before the Convention or take the nomination in the 2nd Round of balloting/voting at the Convention. Here’s the truth: If the elite are successful at forcing a Contested Convention it is more likely (70:30) the ultimate nominee will NOT be Ted Cruz.  Moreover, if Cruz were to become the GOP Nominee he cannot – and the numbers prove it – win a National vote for the Presidency.

Understand that Trump is trolling plus 30 points in national votes – the Independents and cross-over Democrats –  that the national polls don’t report. If the system turns Trump to pasture not only will these votes not turn-out, the Trump loyalists will stay home as well. If Trump is shut-down voters will be proven right (again) that the scheme is rigged and they will not show and Hillary (or her possible substitute) will take the Oval Office. It’s that simple and it’s that serious.

It is now down to one of two choices: Vote against the Elite and destroy their hold on the process or vote for their choice and permit the illusion and abuse to continue. That’s all there is to it. The only way to avoid the destructive processes planned for the GOP Convention is for Trump to go to Ohio with better than the required Delegate Count. By now it should be quite clear that the GOP is more interested in preserving its status than it is perfecting the representative process. Be very clear that they prefer the system as it is because under the current algorithm the current structure is made to conform to their advantage and NOT YOURS.

Sadly, as good as Cruz may be he simply will never pull the numbers; ever! It is indeed sickening when you understand that the GOP (and the DNC is NO Different) is willing to trample upon an entire segment of the American voting public without so much as a tip of the hat simply to remain in control of a very lucrative scheme. They don’t mind of course because to them you don’t matter. Save your Representative form of Constitutional Government and take a stand.

The following are a select group of responses to questions/comments received after the original article was published. We believe you will find them of interest.

#1: Yes I find much of the reverie surrounding Trump tasteless and unseemly, but that’s all a circus side-show and quite unrelated to the point of this post. Simply put: you must be relentless in the quest to cut the puppet-masters string that are wrapped around you and the neck of this country. The forces in opposition to your best interest will not stop and they will use every conceivable and inconceivable method to force your allegiance.

Look at the chaos level around the globe and how the tensions are being accelerated; you think this is coincidental? I assure you it isn’t. Thinking that the coming election is about the seemingly unruly Trump, the passionate and rambling-academics of Cruz, the lowest-possible caliber and yet highly unqualified Hillary or the pure lunacy of Bernie? Think again. The art of “Managed Threat” rests on the ability to manage the effect of public perception in a manner that mirrors a preferred outcome and you, my friends, are being Managed! 

 #2: I’m considerate of a fundamental truth; the public, for the most part, has not yet come to grips with how seriously askew the order (political) has become in this country. As events, regarding Cruz, have become more deliberate in their purpose to derail Trump it should become so conspicuous that the public should be asking why? Why would politically mortal enemies suddenly become cozy?

If, as I believe, one prefers a democratic process and one that is aligned with a Constitutional Republic – such as was intended for the U.S. – then the choice of candidate is no longer one made based on fashion or impulse judgement but one based far more upon strategic thinking. If you accept this perspective then the question is then “who, of the choices made available, represents the best obstacle?”

Off all the choices made available, in my opinion, Trump is all there is and that’s not at all because I like him or have any particular vanity that favors him. Of all the pimps that remain he has the most to lose and thus the most at risk and given the current climate of extremes that single attribute suggests the best possible advantage for the American people. That’s how I see it.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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