October Surprise; a Prelude to What if!

What if the Elite-Order concludes that Trump will win the Presidency? First, understand that the System as it is will not tolerate a Trump Presidency. It has done everything it can, short of the standby crazed-gunman scenario or unexplained abduction, to seize every media venue or opportunity to season the public conscience with some of the most wildly colorful scripts yet devised.

What if Hillary’s medical condition worsens to the point where she is deemed medically incapable? I’ve spoken with three renowned Neurologists and their observations of Clinton’s public display of uncontrolled coughing and vertigo are symptomatic of an at-risk condition. Though it’s medically treatable, the contributory stress-factors are not voidable. This of course might explain why her appearances are so steadily measured.

Think of it; what if during one of the televised debates Mrs. Clinton has a medical emergency? What if, by Mid-October the DNC is without a Presidential Candidate? What if, given the Electoral College System, the ultimate determination of this Nation’s President goes to Congress?

Given the caliber of persons holding elected office combined with the threat that Trump represents to the System they’ve allied with, both Democrats & Republicans, I’d say he’d not fair particularly well nor would the Republic. What if indeed? 

Curtis C. Greco, Founder 

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