Putin & the Colonization of Russia

At a time when there appears to be so much domestic dysfunction many might wonder; “Who cares about what happens with Russia?” The answer is: You’d best change your point of view otherwise there is no balancing force in opposition to irreconcilable extremes.

Putin has attempted to use the residual threat of the former Soviet regime to stall western influences from colonizing Russia. His theory being that he would have ample time to build a western-style economy on the shoulders of his territorial energy resources managed by a closely-knit group of Russia’s neo-industrialists many of which are former operatives of the previous regime. Putin’s in serious trouble (domestically) and for several reasons:

(1) His financial system is micro-managed by a team with ties to the western banking system.

(2) In an effort to condense control of an unwieldy political system Putin eliminated any traces of democratic rule that would otherwise provide a counter-weight to his own form of totalitarian rule.

(3) The Russian economy is a single-faceted engine tied directly to a commodity singularly controlled by the West; energy.

(4) Putin has made several strategic mistakes in his projection-of-power policy and as such has over-played and over-extended his resources; Syria, Georgia, Ukraine, Iran, China and Crimea (and now he’s considering placing tactical nukes on the Crimean territory) to name a few.

(5) Russia, having had a taste of affluence, is now well-populated with politicos and nationals preferring economic vitality vs. soviet-era austerity and they will turn on Putin’s regime.

How quickly the conversion occurs depends on Mr. Putin. As the Western Financial System has learned; it is far easier to manipulate the public, with economic coercion, into submission than it is to force them at the point of a gun. The Russian people, like most Americans, have been bought and sold many times over however they’ve been “run” so effectively they’re simply unaware of it.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder


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