Sharing Economy – A futuristic solution or a scheme of collaborative decay?

The merging of selective-ambition has taken the issue of what is an economy, as well as the science and/or study of economics, to be nothing more than a condition in search of an affirmation. The emerging economic model of the early 1900’s, bent on pursuing the Global One-World Market free of native monetary constraints, has been achieved and has proven itself to be the predictable failure that many feared it would be.

Many confuse the issue of capitalism with Free-Market Economics while there is no connection or tacit similarities. While others wrap their minds around the notion of supply-side economics, itself an unproven composition, with the suggestion that an economy can be indefinitely durable by way of inflationary monetary policy supported or enabled by perpetual debt.

If there is anything to learn from nearly 185 years’ worth of recorded economic history it is this: When monetary policy is permitted to be merged with and endorsed by ever flexible economic mythology the end result has been and will always be the occasional boom met with ever increasing periods of bust.

The cycle has become so predictable that economic analysis has now adapted to explain an economic boom and bust as an absolute necessity and it is NOT; it occurs not because it is required or is a native component of an economic cycle, it occurs strictly because of design!  In short order TIMF will post a 3 part series, of the same title as this posting, and I truly hope you will not only read it but pass the ‘link’ along to your sphere of influence.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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