Tag Archives: Bitcoins

Debt Ceiling: Americans, Buy Your Bitcoins!

Does anyone find it strange that Boehner isn’t backing an objection to the debt-ceiling hike? Where are Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, the ever so fiscally conscious Charlie Schumer and his spry acolyte, Pat Leahy? Have they nothing to offer?

It’s called the “Default Prevention Act of 2013” and it brought an end to fiscal propriety in Washington; now the President, with a stroke of a pen, can suspend the debt-ceiling at any time to avoid default and challenged only by way of an “untitled” (often done to conceal its nature and intent) joint resolution by both Houses of Congress. So you see, even in the face of economic disaster Congress has chosen to abdicate its fiscal authority preferring instead to continue the march toward economic destruction while assuring the public, with great sincerity, that they have your best interests at hand.

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