Tag Archives: Fox News

Fox News: Influence Peddling?

Trump’s musing over his attending Fox/Google sponsored debate triggers an infantile response from Fox News infuriating the lead GOP Candidate. The mistake is to view Trumps response as a show of weakness, fear, or even childish; this would be wrong.

A key rule in strength-negotiating is this: your greatest strength rests in your ability to walk away from a deal that doesn’t support itself. The problem for Trump is that Fox and the rest of the Media control the narrative and are delighted to give Trump’s opposition a pre-paved high-road upon which to characterize his position in any way they choose – effectively handing Iowa to Cruz.

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Fox GOP Debate Attempts to Reshuffle the Order

Very frustrating viewing experience as Fox News Anchors selectively target certain candidates (Kasich/Carsten/Trump/Cruz) with questions that have nothing to do with the capacity to deliver the type of leadership this country desperately needs. All the while tossing light-weight questions to RNC favorites (Bush/Cruz/Christie) who are in desperate need of breaking free of their self-imposed anonymity.

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Bush: Hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest!

A fabulous Paul Simon lyric giving texture to the meaningless and the mindless. Leadership is meeting people where they are and drawing them an uplifting picture meant to familiarize them with the remarkably possible.

Bush, like and as with the custom of his political peers, won’t risk being a standout on leadership terms instead opting for the mediocre undertow of targeted ambiguity. The distinction being, if one is willing to endure Fox News (Megyn Kelly) interview of the former Florida Governor you’ll observe the process in action. How common it has become for political speak to deliver absolutely no inspiring/compelling message whatsoever. As if reading from the same political survivor handbook, Bush, like Clinton, believes they can appeal to the Voter thru attrition; outlasting their incredible weaknesses by regulating media access.

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