Tag Archives: Hilary Clinton

Were it Anyone but Clinton!

Being a large part of the permanent government, the State Department, it is very difficult for most to even begin to grasp the depth and expanse of the secrets and clandestine ops this massive bureaucracy orchestrates. Given its size and many entrails, how easily it conceals much of what it does. Clinton’s defense that others before her have done no less (concealing communications and mishandling of classified information) is likely true, but then why in Hillary’s case is it becoming so conspicuous?
The answer is very simple: Hillary Clinton will not see nomination’s light of day. Someone (likely the Executive Branch or affiliate) we know not who, is doing something we know not what for an ulterior purpose that is not readily apparent. It may be (partially) the case that someone doesn’t want another Clinton in the White House and yet I believe it is much more serious than that. I’m near certain that it has to do with information that Hillary has that she’s threatened to use to fend off a political attack or that it has finally been determined that Hillary and Bill are just too deeply mixed up in far too many deceptions that they must be caged once and for all.
Were it anyone but the Clinton’s the solution would have been quite simple, after all look how easy the Kennedy or MLK threat was neutralized. Like the Clinton’s, Nixon and LBJ before him, Obama strategy has been to control by using the tool of compromise and you can see the effect of this on Congress; both sides of Congress are so heavily compromised that they’ve become meaningless and ineffective. Up until now the Clinton’s have stayed the threat of opposition largely because of what they know however, this leverage is quickly turning against them.
I’m now more convinced than ever that if Joe Biden decides to pass on the nomination, John Kerry will take up the banner and run with it which explains, perhaps, why Obama is in full attack mode bent on stuffing the Iran Nuke Deal down the throat of Congress.
Curtis C. Greco, Founder
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Bernie Sanders may just be John Kerry’s Newest Best Friend!

Bernie Sanders represents several problems for Hillary’s run-for-the-Rose Garden however, the Hillary alternative may very well be the next Nobel laureate. Mrs. Clinton will never see the nomination stage and as sure as someone at 1600 Pa Ave. doesn’t want to see Hillary in the Oval Office their desire to keep Billy outside the fence is far greater!

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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Like Greek PM Tsipras & the E.U., Trump Threatens the Order of U.S. Political Elite

The establishment of the E.U. was never about establishing unity among the member states. It is and was always about a progressive consolidation of Europe in an easterly direction swallowing up the former Eastern-Block concluding, as the first step, with the Eurofication of Russia. All of this is tied to liquidating the Wests massive accumulation of public debt and this process is a remarkably efficient mechanism for doing just that; vaporize public debt by restructuring Central Bank monetary facilities.

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Hagel Ouster Signals

The Godfather movie’s greatest gift to contemporary culture lies in the bounty of magnificent metaphors one of which is particularly relevant for the outgoing Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel; in short, like the Corleone’s family counsel, Tom Hagen, he isn’t a wartime consigliere. He was brought in to grant a conciliatory wink to the Republicans while remaining inconspicuously non-confrontational to the micro-management weakness of Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton. Both of whom distinguish the plague that is the Administrations Foreign Policy regiment.

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GOP Gains Control of Congress; What If?

Without a super-majority in the Senate don’t expect too much; sure the Senate can send a great deal to the president for signature however, as a lame-duck, he’ll have no sense of urgency or need for accommodating the GOP; or will he?

What the GOP will do is use their leverage to demonstrate the extent of the Democrat’s obstruction draining any hopes the DNC may have for 2016.  Having already signed over their authority regarding Debt-Ceiling Limits to the Executive Branch they (GOP) are left only with “spending” Bills as a pro-active tool. On the other hand, if the “Dems” are smart a few may choose to belly-up to the trough and co-op with the Republicans.

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