Tag Archives: McConnell

Keystone Shelved?

McConnell’s attempt at pulling the Keystone Bill out of debate died a quiet death with a 53-39 loss. Key to the failure was that key Senators went AWOL (Reid, Kirk, McCain, McCaskill, Mikulski, Moran, Rubio & Warner). Still it seems an explanation for WHY the Bill is being blocked and VETO-threats issued remains elusive.
The greatest threat to U.S. influence in the Middle-East is an over-abundant supply of domestic energy and so one need only look at Saudi Arabia’s influence as key weapon in the economic-oil war. Saudi Arabia will happily carry the load but only if the U.S. Taxpayer supports the scheme.
After all, as Americans are finally coming to understand, there was never ever an oil-energy shortage; there was and remains, simply put, an abundance of political-economic advantage and this is what dictates/controls Crude Markets.
Remember; all that controls is not always in need of a gun!
Curtis C. Greco, Founder
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