Tag Archives: sovereign individual

The Diseases of Despair

Recently a dear Friend sent me a link to an interesting piece by Chris Hedges, requesting my response. Intrigued by the title I was drawn to the task and having done so I reclined to consider the piece and was immediately reminded of the great challenge I encounter when working to digest the meaning of and behind missives of social-conscience.

Most often social movements are driven by incredibly imbalanced forces and quite frankly I often find it difficult to identify what it is they want, the “what” it is that they’re after, the “what” of what is to be gained (other than chaos and further imbalance) or accomplished and most critically important, how or in what way does their goal align with further perfecting Mankind’s nearness to the Ideal.

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The Peevish & Uniformed Should Honor Their Promise and Leave!

“PUAAS” (Peevish & Uniformed Adult-Adolescent Syndrome) is once again on stage. The oh-so pseudo intellectual snobs are putting you on notice! You are at risk of being denied the anointing of associate citizenship should Hillary be turned away from the White House.

It occurs to me that a thin layer of microbial ooze has been allowed to form around Media Personalities (including Professional Sports) elevating them to near Omniscient status complete with an alluring luminescent haze. Yes indeed, their self-absorbed wisdoms, it is presumed, should be catalogued as part of the very reference section where God alone retires to feed the Divine’s probative inquiry. Again the horde of celebrities, most recently by Barbara Streisand, are voicing the awe-inspiring and earth trembling threat of threats; “I’ll Leave The Country If Trump Wins!”  

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