Trans Pacific Partnership: Signed but thankfully not yet sealed!

With a deliberate absence of fanfare, the Obama Administration placed the U.S. Signature, along with 11 other Nations, upon the TPP document. The Administration is so committed to the strength of their outstanding performance that they wanted to be certain that you were unaware of it.

We’ve studied the agreement as it made its way through the process and it is my opinion, as with each of the Trade Agreements since the GATT/WTO, that these agreements are without question diametrically opposed to the sovereign economic interests of the American People; period!

Where Congress is concerned they now have 2 years to ratify the Agreement. Thanks to their providing the White House with all of the provisions provided for in the now passed TPA (Trade Promotion Authority), a.k.a., Fast Track. Assuming that Republicans continue to hold control of Congress, it is highly likely that they will, once again, bend the American public over the barrel of special interests demands. They don’t mind of course and that’s because you (still) don’t matter!

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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