When Silence Speaks

In a recent interview I was asked the following question: “Looking at the presidential candidates, considering the economic crisis before us, which one strikes you as the best equipped to deal with this Nations problems?”  I quickly responded, “Which one?” 

It requires no great stretch of the imagination to be impressed by the many problems that require serious attention and to be quite honest, I observe no single Candidate offering any stand-out proposition in possession of a deliberate strategy or purpose; all I do hear is the predictable ambiguity of political hedging. Could it be that they simply don’t know? Or, even more troubling; could it be that winning the office is more about being successful at telling the Public something other than what they should or for that matter, need to know. 

Along the course one walks through life we learn that all too often our greatest calamities visit themselves upon us in complete silence. No announcements, no rustling of the thicket shielding our view of the movement just beyond the hedgerow; no advanced warning. True there are often telltale signs and predictable outcomes; nonetheless, oh yes indeed, Silence Speaks! With this thought in mind, 

Here are a few of the unspoken complexities which no Candidate seems willing to touch: 

  1. At the heart of this Nation’s economic crisis lies our approach to Banking and by extension, Monetary Policy. We have a system based solely on a fiat monetary concept that has no economic or fiscal structural backing and thus it is and has always been completely unsustainable.  It has survived to the degree it has by the worst possible monetary philosophy: Growth/Economic expansion based on Perpetual Inflation and Debt Funded Spending.
  2. Global Economic Modeling (globalism) has fostered the belief that growth can occur simply by expanding markets and though in principal this may seem viable however in practice what has occurred is (only) the expansion of the very flaws mentioned in the previous point; Greece is a perfect example of one extreme, China the other. To observe the economic devastation leveled upon the U.S. one has only to look at the expansion of U.S. Debt since the formalization of this global policy by way of the various international trade agreements. Since 1990, U.S. Debt has increased by a staggering $10 Trillion and during the same time our annual trade imbalance worsened to the point where the 2010 trade imbalance was seven-times that of 1990 and this is not an aggregate factor, in fact, this is just a single year comparison; taken as a whole, the cumulative trade imbalance for the same period is a blistering $6.8 Trillion. So goes the argument in favor of Globalism. 
  3. The result of these two components is an economic system that has morphed into a political and economic paradigm the consequences of which are evidenced by our national economic depravity. I explain this entire concept through the concept of socio-physio economics which in the most fundamental of terms describes how a native economic cycle/process adapts to environmental input, in this case, government interference/meddling.  

The facts are unmistakable particularly as it relates to the U.S. Economy which is hopelessly and completely unsalvageable unless we are prepared to directly address each of the previously mentioned “complexities.” As it is, the United States submission to the global banking regime does not seem severable and it is for this reason there is no commitment to addressing the aforementioned issues largely because the structure and form of the Global Banking Cabal is so completely misunderstood, largely indiscernible and deliberately so. The use of opaque and handcrafted mechanism specifically designed to appear complex are the very notions used to insist and/or otherwise sell the idea that without these tools, features and various arcana the whole U.S. and World Economy would collapse. It is precisely this form of intentional psychological warfare-by-design that keeps the largely ignorant politician from addressing the issue in straight forward manner. 

Before moving on I will take this opportunity to tender a perspective as to the Banking System and I will pose it in the form of two question requesting that you think each through, thoroughly.  The first: 

What economic activity would not occur absent the U.S. Global Banking Systems (the FED) existence? 

Be careful not to fall in to the philosophical trap that tends to bribe ones thinking in to believing that: (1.) That the U.S. economy will totally collapse. And, (2.) That there is no economy without the FED’s existence. 

After you complete the above exercise, you may then find it of interest to consider the following: 

Why is there such a rush to increase the Federal Debt Ceiling?  (I think you may find the answer in Section 4 of the 14th Amendment as well as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.   

Yes of course there are other issues such as the various Entitlement Programs and the poster-child of all things detrimental to your sovereign rights, the 16th Amendment, which gave the Feds the right to tax Individuals and though I would agree that each of these on their own represent significant obstacles however without a sphere of acumen and scope of thought willing and able to address the cause for their very existence, there’s really no advantage served by addressing them individually. 

Now then a few final thoughts to consider as we close this current offering: 

  • We as a People will, if we are going to be successful in expressing influence in favor of some form of restoration, have to come to grips with the need to correct a significant philosophical distortion that has evolved over the last 100 years. We have come to accept the belief that the role of government is expansive in nature and thus have allowed the political process to mechanically inculcate this distortion in to both the election and the legislative process whereby the political machinery has transfigured what should otherwise and only (ever) be the institutional processes of the sovereign corporal form in to what is now a socialized form of governance. This one statement, on its own, is a superb attribution for the process that has degraded the entire form and function of our federal, state and local governments. 
  • It is for this reason (the former point) that government will not repair itself; is has become ossified and paralytic.  The system of government, particularly here in the U.S., is driven solely on term-of-office cycles and the measures necessary to establish and persist in the processes which accommodate the same. The U.S. is in the position it is economically and socially precisely because of the endemic flaw which not only fosters systemic abuse, it also fails to maintain a long-term view toward perfecting the only reliable, relevant and residual purpose of government. 

I do believe this is an appropriate location for a view to the present and future with two comments from the past both of which are Mr. Jefferson’s: 

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” 

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” 

And so as to “…which one strikes you as the best equipped to deal with this Nations problems?” I can honestly say: Not a one! However if there is one candidate that strikes me as the least equipped then it would have to be Mr. Romney. Why you might ask?  The acumen which adorns him most might suggest would be the most appealing, i.e., his business experience, can be traced back to the breading and feeding grounds of Wall Street and I know far too much of this organisms Silent Speech to afford him a pass. 

The good news is that there is still time for a person of sound mind and stout compass to surface and for the sake of our collective future, let’s pray that someone does. The road map is in place, we are simply in need of an individual willing to follow it.  

For a change, let’s consider a candidate that’s willing to say NO to the wrong people for all the right reasons.  

By the way, elections for office occur annually and in the processes of Government, they all matter and more than ever I am convinced that it will be the States who ultimately must force containment of the Federal Government.  If you haven’t already done so, I would recommend reading the article title Opposing Compliance; I assure you, it is worth your time. 

“It is not sufficient for one to speak of Freedom and Liberty but more so to be steadfast in your opposition to its surrender as silence is the speech of consent whose ballot records your surrender.” 

Express your influence; loudly! 

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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