Biden; A Crisis of Competence

Having been a student of history, a published author and analyst covering subjects on comparative (historical) foreign policy, fiscal metrics as well as the various gymnastics associate with fiscal and economic practices I can tell you, with absolute confidence, that each of these possess a common attribute making trend analysis decidedly predictable; the common theme being that Humans are the underlying force of each.

When we consider that all things human-affected (or induced) also have a common human trail, a detectable vein which I think of as a kinetic force and have encapsulated into thematic reference I’ve titled as Kinetic Behavioral Dynamics (KBD), i.e., the driving force behind “why.” Now then, with this point as a foundational starting point, let us move to the point of this narrative: Seeding Leadership.

Great Leaders do not occur because there is a mass of stupid, ignorant or gullible people; NO and neither should One confuse the Tyrannical Narcissists (Fascists) as being or possessing great leadership skills. What makes a great Leader is that they possess an overwhelming level of a compelling Internal (Kinetic) Force and yes it has a spiritual component but then One mustn’t confuse this attribute as being of an evangelical order. The potency of this type of Leadership ability is that this Individual’s “force” simply pairs easily with another’s because of its organic origins, it’s a matched-pairing for the very simple reason that this kinetic-spirit is a natural component of the fabric of humanity. This type of Leadership is the most transformative and the most lasting for the simple reason that its attraction requires no form of force or coercion.

Joe Biden, like former President Obama, the Clinton’s and the entire Bush Clan, all sharing the same adaptive drive, have been and continue to be failed Leaders not because they are void of the kinetic spirit I speak of but simply because they’ve chosen to suppress it favoring instead the trappings of power or even more troubling being that they’ve so entangled themselves within the chain of deceit they see no way of surviving outside of it. Period.

The Crises that will accompany Joe Biden, and Ms. Harris is no exception, will be none other than the punishing sting of incompetence and this is simply due to the practicality of consequence, i.e., it is unavoidable. Watch and you will see that once installed, as President and Vice President, this Administration will leave in its wake an unending trail of disappointments, tragedies and errors in judgement however not due to a lack of vision or abilities but simply because of their perspectives relating to what they view as the more viable choice.

“…they’ve so entangled themselves within the chain of deceit they see no way of surviving outside of it.”

Troubling as it is the fact remains: Joe Biden, and all that accompanies this Individual, is the gift the American People have given to one another.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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