John Kerry; Extending the Hand of Conflict

The Middle-East battle ground is cluttered with decades of cross-purpose manipulations, littered with the arrogance of projected influences each manufacturing “isms” to either justify a position or defame the oppositions. All the while feeding the feud with an arsenal of deadly weaponry. The ratcheting of tensions continues matched only by the increasing distance from the fundamental issue at hand; why is order seemingly unachievable?
Enter the Clinton-Kerry extension of community organizer etiquette where success is measured in degrees of conflict and the various permutations of polarity. You might say we’ve unleashed our own ignorant lust for appearing fashionable and in the process, having surrendered the salvation of wisdom to the processes of degradation, we’ve expressed a most dreadful effect; we’ve expanded the role of desperation. Where humans are concerned it is a fact that the element of selectable-ignorance is unavoidable however it still remains a selectable process.
Obama, like the Bush & Clinton clans, are simply not long-term thinkers with an eye on restorative-balance. They’re merely driven by the bias of selectable-ignorance; the kind that is opportunistic, short-term in scope and always fashionable.  The consequence of this self-indulgent romance is that conflict becomes, strangely enough, a necessary component of the process so that these folks can retain a positon of appearing relevant and fashionably so. The entire process is of course moronic but then, if we consider that the process has evolved to mirror our own expectations, how then, really, should we’ve expected a different outcome?
Yes I do confess complete faith this will all work out, just not yet; the boundaries of tolerance have yet to be determined. In the algorithm of human history a peculiar oddity appears recurrent; thinking is too often thought to be wisdom and impulse is confused with rational thought and pain is the consequence of an action promulgated by someone else. We’re so very clever.
Curtis C. Greco, Founder
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