Tag Archives: Greece

Care to Dance?

“The sun had long since bid its parting adieu though its presence lingered in the canopy of stars; a soft evening breeze eases itself across the bay to fan the buckeye and maple trees which line the esplanade and though not immediate to his view the occasional scent of polish sausage and sauerkraut tethers one to the thought of a nearby vendor and his push-cart.

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Geithner, EU and Greece

I selected these three iconic references as symptomatic of what goes round-the-globe in the image of a dog chases an ever diminishing tail – asymmetrical response.


The unpolished truth of the global financial playground is akin to ones alarm should your child find themselves in a sand-box having been mistaken, by a cat, for a litter-box.  The cat may not have known the difference but you most certainly do!


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Money, Markets and Greece

Well, it appears the word is out, the markets collapse and the fingers point at an “electric trading anomaly” caused by a simple data entry error!   Oh but not so fast, considering the sovereign debt crisis in Greece and Portugal along with other EU Nations showing the very same risks, IS this all just a one day ruse or is this just the beginning of what lies over the horizon, creeping its way to the U.S.?  Over the past five years I’ve written several articles on the subject exceed only by the number of “live” presentations on money, influence and political-economics. 

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