Tag Archives: U.S. military

Middle-East-The Real War!

History is a powerful mouthpiece; regardless of the preferred version intended still, from the ashes of history the facts defiantly speak of the truth as it actually occurred. Regardless of what you may think or have been told, the President’s targeting of Syria can only be observed as a humanitarian action, but only for a time. The “time” will end the moment the U.S. becomes committed to further and more destructive actions.

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Might the Iranian Nuke Deal be Unraveling?

It’s been known, apparently with the exception of the Obama Administration, that Iran had long proven it capacity (since 2003) to produce weapons-grade uranium. Given trace evidence of both uranium and plutonium (found at a nuclear site, by the IAE, in 2006) along with confirmed N. Korean technical assistance and you have a 90 percent plus likelihood that Iran has tested, either at depth in Iran or in N. Korea, a WMD.

Question: Why would Iran surrender their ability to “develop” fissionable material to the U.S.?

Answer: They didn’t surrender development “potential”; they’d long gone beyond it.

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