First of all, Anthony Fauci has proven himself to be entirely unreliable, painfully ambiguous and systemically warped. If only considering his personal financial connection to various vaccines or his mitochondrial-connection with Big Pharma I see no other choice but to completely dismiss him; his expertise in speaking to issues that are non-issues by claiming absolute certainty over unproven facts that are conspicuously flaccid has reached an extreme not seen since the masters-of-duality, Bill Clinton or perhaps even more so the younger master, Barack Hussein Obama.
“…it forces One to face the facts that there are other humans on the planet that either see you as an obstacle or a resource and never both at the same time unless you, as a resource, can be used to destroy an obstacle.”
Now then, having spent the last six months revitalizing my knowledge base on the subjects of virology, microbiology, pathogen migration and history (including various global pandemics) it is clear something, regarding the current iteration of SARS, is amiss.
The following list of questions (followed by brief commentary) should interest you but let me be clear about something before proceeding; I am not or am I suggesting that there is no VIRUS, I do, however, have serious questions as to its composition, markers and its origins and you will soon understand why:
1. Why, without having a clear profile of its compositions, confirmation of its markers or identity of associate anti-bodies, has the U.S. engaged (the only Nation) in wholesale testing? (In other words, we are testing however with no specificity as to the “marker” that is being tested for. I will proffer that no one has been willing to answer this question, unequivocally. Understand that without this information there can be no viable test or reliable sampling result.)
2. Given the disposition of the previous comment then one must, logically, ask the following question: If, in fact, the tests (largely composed of those developed by Abbott) are producing results that indicated 92% plus of the U.S. Population is infected and yet remain asymptomatic what is it that they are, in actuality, testing for? Think of it, the model (testing protocols/RNA Sequencing) being used are so broadly used in the detection of hundreds of diseases that false-positive are routine particularly because this type of testing will detect precursors and/or gene profiles that can suggest a person – perhaps the exception being samples taken from shape-shifting anthropoids commonly identified as Mitch McConnel, Chuck Schumer or even Hillary Clinton – might be susceptible to a condition or disease even though they will never develop into an active condition. Further,
3. For the record, of course the growth in U.S. cases is exploding however what is not seeming to explode is the Public’s ability to know they’re being media-manipulated. The fact that “cases” are growing is only an indication that the number of tests being performed is as well. Calibrating or quantifying the number of tests indicating a positive result (a “case”) is not the same as a person exhibiting, actively, the symptoms being associated with the virus.
4. If, in fact, the test is for a virus and understanding that the Human Immune System AUTOMATICALLY generates Antibodies to a virus then we must ask an overwhelmingly powerful question: Why is there no test proven capable of detecting these Antibodies? More on this in a moment.
5. Now then, we do know, with near 98 percent accuracy, that the average (not median) age of those claimed to have died from the current version of SARS (TIMF refers to it as WuV19 with deference to its origins being the U.S. funded lab located in Wuhan, China) is age 74 (Source: Johns Hopkins/CDC). Oh, don’t stop here!
6. We also know that of those succumbing to the ravages of WuV19, 96 percent have underlying health issues (Source: Johns Hopkins/CDC).
Sidebar: Understand that the record keeping, by the CDC, and the inherently opportunistic nature of government related reporting, it should come as no surprise that the accuracy of the data is deeply flawed and so, for this reason and others, we’ve attempted to remove the bias by triangulating our sources through our own sampling methods and yet, even still, my instincts tell me that public suspicion is still largely anomalous.
7. As anomalous as this entire affair is, truly, we must understand (first) that nothing, absolutely nothing occurs by accident or purely autonomously; there is always, behind everything occurring a cause and so we must ask the following questions: Why would you want to shut down an entire economy? An entire social organism? The Public doesn’t like these questions because it frightens them; it forces One to face the facts that there are other humans on the planet that either see you as an obstacle or a resource and never both at the same time unless you, as a resource, can be used to destroy an obstacle.
8. Last point, and the largest and yet to be openly discussed is the most unsettling and is a resumption of the point discussed in item 3 above: Why, when testing for the existence of Antibodies in those who are not only testing positive but also in those who have recovered, are what appears to be trace evidence of antibodies quickly fading off to the point where there is no detectable marker (i.e., Antibody) whatsoever? (Source: Vanderbilt Univ. et multiple sources)
“The only way to overcome the rule of any disorder is to refuse to: (1) Participate (2) Sublimate. And, (3) Accommodate. If you take away the influence an invasion relies upon you allow it to smother itself with its own poison. When you’re being leaned on, simply step aside and watch what happens.”
Conclusion: Given the information, as we know it to be absolute, there can be no effective and targeted vaccine, period. It is not my intention to suggest that a vaccine won’t be offered but it will only be an enhanced/elevated form of what is already in the marketplace after all how do you sell the public a product if you’ve no basis or mechanism for persuading them that their lives depend on it. What should concern the public far more, when you digest the information provided above, is that this entire affair has all the markings, all the symptoms of an engineered hysteria for tailoring the perfect environment for deploying nano-bot technologies specifically as a tool for depositing “designer” chemical cocktail aimed directly at entire segments of a population by warped eugenicist authoritarians. Yes, I know, tough to swallow but we all must recall that Totalitarian Regimes have used these tools before; taking advantage of predictably reoccurring events for use as a mass-media-messaging aimed at redirecting public sentiments; the differences between the two are indeed subtle but no less critical in understanding how these seismic events develop or evolve.
Yes, I know, claims of conspiracy theories abound, the not so clever antiseptic used to wipe your brain free of thought. These type of responses, conspiratorial claims, will no doubt wildly propagate which only serves to prove the point made in item 3 above. This is not just another infectious disease; it is, as any virologist, etymologist, microbiologist will tell you (at least those not attached to the government payroll) of an extraordinarily complex composition the structure of which has never before been seen in an organic state.
The only way to overcome the rule of any disorder is to refuse to: (1) Participate (2) Sublimate. And, (3) Accommodate. If you take away the influence an invasion relies upon you allow it to smother itself with its own poison. When you’re being leaned on, simply step aside and watch what happens.
Curtis C. Greco, Founder