Clinton vs Trump; The Error in Context & Contrast

The Primary Season is effectively over and as far as Hillary is concerned few are surprised, save for the unlikely event of a blow-up at the DNC love-fest in Philly or her indictment and the subsequent substitution of Biden or Kerry, she is their Presumptive Nominee while Trump reigns as the GOP’s surviving choice.

Last evening (June 7th), as the last of the days results were reporting in, I spent a few hours robo-surfing the various news outlets including Megyn Kelly’s Inimical Hour of Parody which included a live audience venting, on cue, their personal political observations. Having watched, observed and annotated the primary process, far more than ever before, I’ve arrived at a conclusion that is laced with contradictions; the manner by which Candidates are judged/measured using, as a standard, the very political system an overwhelming number of Americans have soundly rebuked.

The irony is as thick as molasses in winter! For example, on one hand you have the Presumptive Democratic Nominee, Hilary Clinton, being measured by a Socialist (Bernie Sanders) with both Candidates converging on a platform plagiarizing President Obama’s ideology. Add a dose of Democratic Fascism for fashionability sake, which any intelligent person understands will most certainly accelerate the expansion of government and by extension its collapse.

On the GOP side the absurdities are equally uniform. In response to the existing political-orders systemic failure, no less than 17 Candidates populated the GOP Primary, an overwhelming number allied with or members of the political-elite, and yet only one possible (Cruz) and one more likely (Trump) survived. As we know Trump ascended to the GOP alter – setting GOP Voting Records in the process – and the November 2016 stage, or so it would seem, has now been set.

Now then, before you, in Clinton and in Trump, you see the “Cause” and the “Effect,” the ultimate political Contrast with the Context being “the manner by which Candidates are judged/measured using, as a standard, the very political system an overwhelming number of Americans have soundly rebuked.” Now the irony. On one side you have folks braying with peevish intensity at the ankles of the first major party Female Presidential Candidate – obviously ignoring her overwhelming weaknesses, failures and no single political/legislative success and bracketed by stunning lapses in judgement. While on the other side you have a near-complete political non-conformist – holding a remarkable track record of private-sector accomplishment – being characterized as being politically turgid and unmanageable.

Perhaps I should be more precise. Clinton IS the very emblem of the Establishment the Public despises while Trump, who clearly represents the antitheses of Political Correctness, as the Opposition Candidate (to the establishment) is being characterized as not being qualified to work with a Political (Correct) System the public repudiates. The irony of this distinction, I believe, couldn’t be more obvious!

As you saunter down your primrose path answer me this. What version of reality were you expecting? With Hillary, I promise, you get the certainty of ultimate collapse and the further (and likely final) absorption of the once sovereign United States into the Globalized world of enforced and autonomous mediocrity. With Trump you get, for a time (at least one term), the suspension of the current order and the opportunity to re-plot a course in opposition to it. History repeatedly documents that fascist bureaucracies never self-correct. You deal with them, only and ever, with one single approach; blunt-force-trauma. Sure one can entrap themselves into the syrupy hologram of peevish-speak saturated with a decoupage of contemporary ultrasensitive ooze, but in the end it remains precisely what it is; the bile of meaningless drool which is, by no coincidence, precisely what I observed during my casual media robo-surf previously mentioned.

One of my favorite General George S. Patton quotes speaks to the discipline required for success and the necessity of deliberate and accountable action. Politicians and bureaucrats don’t understand this message as they’ve nothing to lose since the system they selfishly muddle through and manipulate insulates them from the burdens required for achieving and persisting success or the costs associated with failure: “I am a soldier, I fight where I am told, and I win where I fight!” Blunt force!

Recovering your Country won’t be pretty and it most assuredly won’t be accomplished by negotiated settlements, political conformity, feeble backroom manipulations or the redefining of our structural order. The ever-present risk implicit in the metaphorical reference to context and contrast is that only one component needs be wrong to render the entire effort a complete failure.

I pray that on the occasion where the choice between the certainty of failure versus prospects for the highest-possible Ideal exist that we have the courage to choose the highest-possible, the Ideal that’s most common to all. As it is, if Clinton or an equivalent wins, it will be indisputable evidence that there are too few Americans that are not only effectively a “conquered people” but so completely demoralized that they are completely ignorant of either condition. When the dust settles, and if the planet is still habitable, there will be an amazing come-back story to tell – 100 to 150 years from now. 

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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