Monthly Archives: July 2015

Bernie Sanders may just be John Kerry’s Newest Best Friend!

Bernie Sanders represents several problems for Hillary’s run-for-the-Rose Garden however, the Hillary alternative may very well be the next Nobel laureate. Mrs. Clinton will never see the nomination stage and as sure as someone at 1600 Pa Ave. doesn’t want to see Hillary in the Oval Office their desire to keep Billy outside the fence is far greater!

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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ON AIR with Host Mike Miller of WIMA 1150

The Foundations Weekly On-Point Series continues with Host Mike Miller of 1150 WIMA in Lima, Ohio and Policy Analyst, Curtis Greco. This week features “John Kerry; integral to the Iran Deal’s Collateral Damage.” This vignette appears throughout the week during Michael’s 6-9 a.m. (ET) Show. Ohio’s In-Tune & In-Touch Host, catch him Live in-market or online at

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Convenient Truths & Inconvenient Lives

As if it were simply a yolk and albumin you fry in a pan the policy of the abortion and human tissue harvesting industry, along with the political system that supports these practices, are artisans in their crafting of convenient science to conform to their fabricated truths; after all, it’s merely tissue.

In the algorithm of science it may be mere tissue however, there is a clear distinction that it intentionally overlooks; it is human tissue developed to the point where the organs, being sufficiently developed, are deemed a valued crop to be harvested. Harvest! Barbaric is the minimalists’ perspective and yet, outside of the womb it would be infanticide.

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ON AIR with Host Mike Miller of WIMA 1150

The Foundations Weekly On-Point Series continues with Host Mike Miller of 1150 WIMA in Lima, Ohio and Policy Analyst, Curtis Greco. This week features several topics – “ GOP: A Class of 16”, “The Middle-East with a Nuclear-Tipped Iran” & “Cuba: An Uncharted Policy” – with each vignette appearing throughout the week during Michael’s 6-9 a.m. (ET) Show. Ohio’s In-Tune & In-Touch Host, catch him Live in-market or online at

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The Necessity of Civilian Defiance – The Dreaded Gyrocopter!

Doug Hughes, a Florida Postal worker, landed what has been described as a “flying lawn chair powered by a small motor-driven propeller” on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol. In his words; “I flew here because it was the only way I could come up with for the average person to be able to fight against billions of dollars of special-interest money that dominate this city,…it is a ‘necessity’ defense.”

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