Monthly Archives: June 2020

Confederate Leaders Removed From Capitol; Next?

Me thinks the mirror should turn on Pelosi and her cabal of nitwits with equal vigor! After all, if we are to apply the same logic then, evidenced by her support for the killing of millions upon millions of children, then her actions should warrant not only her removal from office but also the justification for her being tried for crimes against humanity.

“The fact is that we, as a species, are operating way outside of our operational protocols and the deepening scars on our culture prove it.” CG

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We’re All In This Together?

An irretrievably idiotic phrase, the perfect salve of banality, the moment applied your instantaneously numbed by the essence of mindless wonder accompanied by the willing surrender of one’s intellectual ballast; it’s right up there with global warming, social justice, carbon credits, windmills, equality, globalism, BLM and its iterations, making the world safe for democracy, Subaru=Love and diet soda.

Looking at the climate as it is and its clear the only condition, I believe, we share together is the burdensome pain and consequence of groupthink. Really, should anyone ever want to be engaged in anything with anybody doing or engaged in anything that deprives one of their sovereign identity? The fact is that we, as a species, are operating way outside of our operational protocols and the deepening scars on our culture prove it.

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The Unthinkable-The Evolution of Idiocracy!

The Unthinkable – The Evolution of Idiocracy! Regard for the rule of law makes a terrify exchange, the Public frozen by fear!

This piece requires no further commentary; it speaks for itself.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder


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Restitution, Reconciliation, Reconstruction, Retrogression, Revisionism.

Gone With The Wind! Yes even HBO has decided to enter the fray. By removing this film classic from its catalog it expands the domain of the “unsafe”, code word for intellectual rheumatism, a type of seizure or even spiritual convulsing that intends to suspend all conscious thought or reason by threat or ostracism. The level of terror being propagated by the anarchists among us is turning ordinarily reasonable minds into thoughtless vagrants willing to align themselves with idiots in exchange for the illusion of communal sanctuary.

“Not a one mourned the pureed fetus or for any one of the un-mattered Black lives shot dead on the streets of Chicago.”

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So, Black Lives Matter, eh?

The FRAUD is now complete. Does any of this twisted notion of knee-jerk retribution have anything to do with folks of African Ancestry; this is all politically driven using the double-barrel blasting of race-indifference and class-warfare. Watch this video clip and look closely at the terrorists masquerading as protesters and then inventory the victims all the while asking yourself: Where are all the Black Lives that you’re being told don’t matter?

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