Monthly Archives: February 2017

Trump Address: Dem’s Lost the Message!

Trump delivered a speech that was extraordinary. Focused on a unifying message evenly laced with significant policy issues; reducing the inefficiencies and size of government, curing the healthcare dilemma, infrastructure development, economic revitalization and tax reform all of which balanced upon the fulcrum of one dominant and underlying theme, Jobs.

Understanding the significance of these points, all once iconic attendants to the Democratic Banner, anyone who watched the President’s speech witnessed how truly lost the Democratic Party line has become. As the camera panned the chambers the divisive behavior of the Democrats was on display from the scowl of Nancy Pelosi and Elijah Cummings, the impish facial narratives of Liz Warren and all the way down to the low-slung harlequins, the suffragettes.

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Repeal & Replace; More on What You’re Not Being Told about the Problem!

States who expanded Medicaid are among the key obstacles for dismantling this giant black hole that is Obamacare.

Quick Facts:

(1) Obamacare offered a free ride to States who expanded Medicaid

(2) States took advantage of the 3-year free ride as a tool for dumping their individual Healthcare burdens onto the Feds

(3) The Feds would cover the cost and after the 3-year period the States total exposure, staggered by annual increases, would max out at 10%; so they thought.

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ON AIR with Host Mark Wainwright of WSYR 570

Mark Wainwright of 570 WSYR, Syracuse, NY anchors a top morning show and we’re always delighted to share-the-air with him. Curtis Greco will go On Point with Mark this Tuesday morning at 8:30 AM (EST) covering a few of the Day’s HOT TOPICS so be sure and Tune-In! Catch the show in-market or streaming at; tune in by clicking the “Listen Live” button.

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Greece; a Coming GreXit?

As the Greek Government battles for the last of the Bailout Funds (approx. $90 Billion) won in 2015, they still face a series of seemingly intractable issues that added debt will not cure. A $7 Billion payment due its creditors in July 2017, austerity reforms that are sending the Greek economy further into the abyss, tax reforms so severe that the average business/worker keeps a mere 30 percent of their gross income and an unemployment rate of 23 percent that shows no sign of fatigue.

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ON AIR with Host Mike Miller of WIMA 1150

The Foundations Weekly On-Point Series continues with Host Mike Miller of 1150 WIMA in Lima, Ohio and Policy Analyst, Curtis Greco. This week features – “GreXit: Greece Looks to U.S. Dollar as backing for its departure from the E.U.; the risks with no rewards!” This vignette appears throughout the week during Michael’s 6-9Am (ET) Show. Ohio’s In-Tune & In-Touch Host, catch him Live in-market or online at

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