Butler Pa.’s Dealey Plaza

The horror that is and will increasingly define Trump’s event in Butler, Pa. is not just that it occurred but that it will be unavoidable to see any other way than as a deliberate convergence of interests whose intentions were to stage an assault on this Nation’s founding order. It is long past a time where the Public has faith in Government, it is long past the time were corrupting influences highjacked the Governments Constitutional role and too long where these corrupting influences are able to hide behind the refuse of its own doing.

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Biden Out! Now What?

While it remains unclear how the Dem powerbrokers will cancel-out Biden’s grip what is far more troubling is who his malleable substitute will be? Clearly Biden is not up to the challenge and yet who would dare step in to fill the hole his Administration and support system has created? How would the Dems orchestrate a reverse course sufficiently potent to rewrite the scarring script of progressive-fascism? Will they even dare to? Will they turn on Biden’s record?

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SCOTUS Decision Affirms Constitutional Republic

In an era where consequence is largely ignored and political expedience celebrated the High Court, today, deserves praise from every American. Their decision regarding Presidential Immunity affirms the fundamental core of this Nations Governmental Order i.e., Separation of Powers. Yes indeed, this Country was founded as a Constitutional Republic and for now, in a 6/3 Decision, SCOTUS appears to affirm the Founders intent and uphold one of the only remaining barriers to enforced fascist rule.

“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.”                         Carl Sandburg, Attributed

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SCOTUS Alienates Free Speech

The Court Opinion would have you believe that the imposition of the Government’s not so clever practice of enforcing a narrative, by way of restricting the Constitutional Protected Right to Freely Express Ones Opinion, yes, your First Amendment Right, i.e., “…abridging freedom of speech….” is, merely, a function of “standing” is the autocratic narrative of a simpleton.

“Speech, the freedom to express, is the medium through which public discourse both refines messaging and holds the messenger to account.”

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Proclamation or Provocation?

This past Friday (March 29th, 2024) the White House Briefing Room released a Presidential Proclamation. In fact, if you take the time to visit the site, you’ll discover that on any given day there are a great many missives issued identified by many different titles; “remarks”, “statements”, “fact sheets” just to name a few and yet, more and more frequently are the “Presidential Proclamations.” So frequent their occurrence that they are not only somewhat meaningless it is likely that Biden isn’t even aware of the process occurring as it is or at all. Yes, yet another indication that the machinery of government moves on at a speed, purpose and intention of its own and so large and uncontrollable that it is frighteningly likely that untold numbers of events do occur without any one individual having to take responsibility for them occurring.

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