WiNiP – How UN-Remarkable! V8.10a

What I Noticed in Passing….

This past week I had the privilege of being interviewed (slightly over one hour) by Chris Conner of Fox Radio 910AM, Roanoke, Virginia.  Of all the questions he asked there was one that I found most powerful; “Curtis, where do you think it will all end?”  As any “follower” will readily know, my commentaries, books and topical engagements all revolve about a fundamental and all consuming compass; the supremacy of the Individuals Providential Core and Unalienable Right of Self-Determination whose expression is governed best by Ones sense of personal responsibility, duty and reverence to another’s very same corporal form.

Mr. Conner’s question is quite provocative particularly with consideration to the context of his question.  We were discussing this Nations’ political, social, economic and philosophical state of affairs and how diffused and dysfunctional the dialogue has become.  What lead up to the question, as I recall, was a comment that I made that was expressed this way:

“…what concerns me most about the various media events is that more effort is expended in talking about the various problems and who’s to blame for them. There’s an equal amount of time expended on topics that serve only to distract the nations focus away from developing a plan for addressing the various problems this country is facing!  There is no such thing as leadership in the absence of action and there is not effective action without the overriding discipline of focused and deliberate leadership operating from a common purpose whose message is built upon a common ideal!”

We are a Nation whose fundamental bond has been a “…common purpose whose message is built upon a common ideal!” We are now a Nation who has abandoned this “fundamental bond” the evidence of which is pervasive and unrelenting!

With Mr. Conner’s question in mind, I took a few moments and quickly canvassed the headlines from the past few weeks and here are a few examples:

“Obama again defends right to put mosque near ground zero.” 

Comment: Though I can find reason for his comments based on the truths espoused by our founding documents however his comments, as the President of an entire nation, amounts to an endorsement of a specific religion which is bared by the First Amendment.  Moreover, I find that though you may be Free to do some thing, such as building a mosque in Lower Manhattan, you may not be at Liberty for in so doing, you breach the boundaries of this Nations’ once sacred “bond”.

“Prop 8 Rulling Sets Up National Legal Fight Over Same-Sex marriage” 

Comment: How ironic!  Two critical points to offer but first let me say this: Although I believe that the institution of marriage being defined as between a man and a woman is integral to a much greater social issue the least of which being impulse driven provocations, this remains my opinion and should reside, much as those whose opinion is different than my own, to the domain of the individual and not enforced upon a nation who sentiments, the majority of which by the way, are no different than my own.  But here are the two critical issues: (1.) We have a President who uses his office to endorse a religion’s breach of decorum yet we will tolerate the silencing, of the very same rights of individuals whose religious doctrine would be in opposition, by a barley measurable minority. And, (2.) A Court, more specifically, a single Judge willingly and defiantly ignores the “will of the people” who voted for Proposition 8.  A Judge has no right, nor privilege to adjudicate in this manner. Another example of using the Law to obstruct Justice.

“Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters: a culture of entitlement in Congress”

Comment: There’s no skirting the issue of culpability on this one, both parties are equally and persistently prone to the very same abuses.  In the case of Ms. Waters, what many should find interesting is one very conspicuous omission in the House Ethics Committee’s process which is this: Behind the scenes is the direct involvement of Representative Barney Franks who as the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, de facto, sanctioned the entire process . When you leave the door open, as is the case with immigration, to entry whose barriers are governed by the very same abusers, one entitles an equal measure of unbridled excess.  We are experiencing the price, on many levels, for our abandoning personal responsibility and accountability.  I don’t blame these two as much as I do the People who allow them to hold office.  After all, ultimately we sanction the evil that men do.

There’s no need to propagate the list further.  If the point isn’t sufficiently clear from these, additions will serve not greater purpose.


With Mr. Conner’s question still weighing heavy on my mind:  “…where do you think it will end?”  I am left with an even greater observation than even this question, which I will leave unanswered for now, represents:

I am considerate of the tenor of these three news “leads” and in their totality, with consideration to my comments regarding the Publics and Media’s focus on events above, I am fraught with a rather sobering conclusion:

How Un-Remarkable!  How supremely and painfully UN- Remarkable!

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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