Impeachable Offense(s); Tortured Truths and Extreme Prejudice.

If we take into account man’s often tortured relationship with his conscience and the interactions of probabilities and probable outcomes it is entirely reasonable to have considered that any promise or suggestion of sovereign representative self-government would logically be thought of as highly unlikely if not completely absurd. The U.S. founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, are transcendent in both form and content particularly because those who toiled about their formation were deliberate in their efforts, devout in their thoughtfulness and reverent in their understanding that they were constructing an order that would be thought of as a proclamation affirming, among other virtues, Man’s origins, his inseverable link to the same, his sovereign status and the construction of an order of governance which would serve not only at the consent of the governed it would, as well, explicitly express its duty to protect and defend the People’s unalienable rights against all threats both foreign and domestic (including Presidents and Members of Congress.) To understand and witness, firsthand, the dedications of the Founding Fathers one need only study the eighty-five published essays/articles as penned by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton and John Adam; also known as the Federalist Papers.

While observing the Extreme Prejudices and Fascist Antics of the Democrats, orchestrated chiefly by Representatives Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff – as well as the countless number of annelids feeding on the public trough – I am certain that not only is their ilk representative of the very threats the Constitution intends to repel they are also of a gene pool bereft of the very skillsets required, at the very minimum, should one expect to equal the work product achieved by this Nation’s Founders. Let us be very clear, they are and represent the very “risk” Messrs. Jay, Hamilton and Adam’s feared, even more than any foreign threat!

These Democrats, with the open support of the Statist Elites, have tortured the construct of the Constitution particularly those related to the Chief Executive/The Presidency and the mechanisms that deal with the Impeachment processes. In their pagan zealotry they have placed the Constitution, and the office of this Nation’s Chief Executive, at the teetering edge of destruction that if left to their devises will destroy this Nation’s Representative form of Government. By vaporizing the equilibrium, the Office of the Chief Executive (Presidency) provides, as a co-equal branch of government that at best would force a parliamentarian style of governing that will ultimately trend toward a totalitarian regime. Emasculating the Office of the Presidency insures the Nation’s representative balance in much the same way (however far more immediate than the soon to be described) a loss of the Electoral College System would effect. Regardless of your party allegiance your enduring dedication to this Nation’s Founding Ideals must always prevail and for this reason the poisoning of this nation’s governing structure will not survive dilution and for this reason must never be permitted, ever.

To be sure, both of the Dems Two Articles of Impeachment are as unconstitutional as they are baseless however this fact is only the surface-sludge of a much deeper threat concealed by the Dems efforts to overturn the Public’s lawful selection of the Nation’s Chief Executive. It wasn’t until I was revisiting the arguments for/against presidential privileges, specifically those used during the Clinton Impeachment, that I discovered their angle of attack. I originally believed that Nadler declined to issue subpoenas (for various members of Trumps cabinet) because they didn’t want to waste time with or risk losing a court battle and thus having their derelict activities exposed. I now realize that what they intend is far mor devious as it is scandalous. They deliberately avoided the custom of reaching to the Court System favoring instead orchestrating something for more damaging; pushing the Articles to the Senate so they could apply public pressures for the express purpose of attempting to force Senate Republicans to allow witnesses which undoubtedly would include Members of Trumps Cabinet. Understand that the hearings that establish Articles of Impeachment are NOT the function of the Senate, that is the exclusive domain and duty of the House. In short, to allow or otherwise impose this process to or upon the Senate is to totally and completely bypass the judicial process. The effect of this would be, first, to create an Impeachment Process initiated by the Lower House whereby the President would not be privileged with defending him/herself or respond to claims/charges and the customs associate with the same and then be tried in the Senate with no say as to the Charges or the Privileges afforded the Accused under the Bill of Rights!

For those who’ve been trained to hate Trump as well as the imbedded Statists and the associated Elite who make up the “Never-Trumpers” yes, I get it but understand this: You are NOT empowered with the unilateral authority for making changes to the Constitution by fiat action. It doesn’t appear to me that Americans are clear as to what is taking place; an open attempt to forever alter the U.S. Constitution without the required consent of the States and by extension, the Citizens thereof. Think of it, if this misadventure is allowed to perfect its standing any future party in power will hereafter be able, for any reason, to Impeach a President who will then have no right or powers to protect the Office of the President, the President him/herself or the plenary of duties and/or confidential affairs he/she must conduct as the Nations Head of State!

Pelosi et al refers to this entire affair a “dark day” for the Presidency but she ignores the true scar that history will memorialize for all time; that as Speaker of the House and as a Representative of the State of California and the Citizens of that State, Nancy Patricia Pelosi failed to faithfully discharge her duties, that she was the leading cause behind what will hereafter be considered to have been a level of divisive treachery and deceit never previously known or achieved by a member of Congress and that her actions, if accommodated by the Senate, did permanently and irreversibly damage the Constitution of the United States.

If the Senate entertains or engages in any aspect that would suggests a “hearing” then by that act alone they will have authenticated the House’s actions and this MUST NEVER happen. The Senate MUST, absolutely, dismiss the Articles of Impeachment and concurrent with the same adopt a resolution formally Censuring Rep. Pelosi, Rep. Schiff and Rep. Nadler!

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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