Introducing “TIMF E-op” – Economic Opportunities In The Making

There is little if any sign of a strategic plan being offered, by either Party or Candidate, for revitalizing the U.S. Economy and oddly enough the very people (Congress) who’ve licensed the wholesale raping and pillaging of the U.S. Economy lack even the most elementary insights of how to reverse the current economic (or societal) trend. Regrettable as this may seem that fact remains that the American People will, nonetheless, need to rely on the Congress to perform and demonstrate in a manner of aptitude and in a form of action they appear to have long ago surrendered: Deliberate, Decisive, Relevant, Constitutional and Judiciously Willing.  

I have no doubt that this Nation possesses an abundance of pent-up intellect, wherewithal and resources; clearly we are not suffering from a lack of capacity we are however lacking in the most critical component of all: Visionary Leadership. And so, in the interest of propagating a strategic initiative, The Imperfect Messenger Foundation (TIMF) will release, on a bi-weekly basis, what we will refer to as the “TIMF E-op” post the purpose of which will be to hi-light what we believe to be strategic components integral to a national economic reformulation. We hope that you will find them of interest and give you great cause for expressing your influence by passing them along to your circle of influence and your Elected Representatives. Remember: a whisper will only mature into a movement if amplified by action and this process starts with YOU!

Look for “TIMF E-Op” later this week.  

Curtis Greco, Founder

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