Economic Picture

As Rahm Emanuel said; “never let a serious crisis go to waste”. It is often the distraction of a crisis that leads our attention away from something far more critical. In fact, one might often wonder if the entire scheme isn’t manufactured for that specific purpose.

Condensed version: Both the global economic and political climates (presently) are eerily similar to that of the late 1920’s; serious economic and international unrest that led to what we now think of as WWII. It should be interesting to note that it was the advent of WWII that ultimately served as the genesis of the U.S. and ultimately Europe and Japans economic recovery.

Past being prologue it is by no stretch of the imagination to expect that the current climate will yield quite similarly and equally tragic given that there is no reason to believe there are no other, more viable, alternatives. However, given the influence of the global financial wizardry that is the hallmark of fiat-based money policy, what else would one expect than for this System to serve or move to preserve itself much as the U.S. Government does by its own dictatorial powers.

With published debt load nearing $20 Trillion and established Debt-Spending Commitments of well over $221 Trillion, none of which anyone seems interested in paying attention too, I thought it might be of value to provide an interesting visual image of $1 Trillion and on more familiar terms. Take a look at the graphic below.

what is a trillion

Curtis C Greco, Founder


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