Middle-East-The Real War!

History is a powerful mouthpiece; regardless of the preferred version intended still, from the ashes of history the facts defiantly speak of the truth as it actually occurred. Regardless of what you may think or have been told, the President’s targeting of Syria can only be observed as a humanitarian action, but only for a time. The “time” will end the moment the U.S. becomes committed to further and more destructive actions.

Make no mistake, U.S. Military actions in the Middle-East (all the way back to the 1950’s) has been about Oil & Gas and Pipeline routes. The entanglement in Syria is no different particularly when, in 2009, the day Assad signed his death-warrant by refusing to a pipeline agreement that would have given Qatar and Saudi Arabia the ability to traverse Syria with their pipeline into the terminal in Turkey.

What you may not know is that after WWII many Arab States were quite stable modeling their governments after what the viewed as an estimable model, the U.S. Representative Constitutional Democracy. What happened? Providing you the answer to this would take hours so I will spare testing your endurance.

Still, you need to know the truth and so I recommend reading the following piece, “Syria: Another Pipeline War”, assembled by none other than Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. I confess his grasp of history’s facts and his ability to condense the topic into a manageably-sized essay is both extraordinary and precise. A superb accounting by any measure and I heartily recommend taking the time to read it and pass it along.


Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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