Category Archives: Uncategorized

Trump Leashed to Putin? Or is it Trump Trapped by his own Intelligence & Security Services?

The allegations of Russia meddling in elections is nothing more than a ruse, fodder fed to the American barnyard to keep them fat, dumb and ignorant. Fact is that there is far more political, economic and election meddling for the benefit of Mexico than there ever is/was for Russia – including the Lend-Lease era and still none cumulatively greater than the British though I confess, the Chinese are quickly climbing that ladder and yet nearly the entire democratic party does the bidding for Mexico with barely a peep out of anyone! Notice how those Countries that are, actively and at present, representing the greatest threat to this Country and how the political actives remain silent and yet become brutally vocal on the subject of Russia even to the point of (even) stirring the ire of John McCain long enough to issue one of his notably peevish remarks.

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American Democracy; Endemic Defect

Once again, the American experiment nears the precipice of certain doom; the ellipse of the pendulum’s swing has breached native prohibitions, the trigger lock of One’s rational thought such that we now fire wildly at one another hoping to out-stupid ourselves into oblivion. A French political thinker from the 1800’s, Alexis de Tocqueville, stated of the America he observed in the following manner: “The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.” He also stated, “The health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by private citizens.” It’s quite telling the way the first comment affirms the great talent of Our Representative Democratic form while the later illustrates the inherent defect in its glorious design.

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The Latest! Liberals Rally on Court Steps Against Kavanaugh

Interesting read! Take a moment and experience ignorance-caused chaos!

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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Israel, the Risk Obama Ignored:

Israel Reminds the World of the Risk the Obama Administration Chose to Ignore! It is absolutely the case that Iran had long ago dedicated its resources toward the development and deployment of nuclear-tipped ballistic missile capabilities. Most conspicuously in 2003 and 2004, while Rouhani was Iran’s Chief Negotiator, he acknowledged that they’d perfected the process for creating weapons grade material and well before the signing of the Nuclear Deal the Iranians had demonstrated their ability to move along and through the various processes necessary to produce a deliverable device. What remains true, as it was at the inception of the Nuclear Deal as it remains now, is that Iran continues to be weapons-capable, only now they are able to refine the ballistic delivery system openly and with funding provided by the U.S. and Russia has successfully used both the stupidity and hubris of Obama and Clinton-Kerry to leverage their relationship with China to their optimal advantage.

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Korean Peninsula: A Medley of Divided Interests-Not So Fast

U.S. will need to reestablish a broader military presence to counter China’s increasingly belligerent tone. It’s not that China is a rogue or necessarily dangerous Country – any more than any other Totalitarian nuclear-powered state – it’s more so a function of polarity of culture that needs to be studied, understood and then countered.

On one hand the U.S. (west) will create fabulously imaginative scenarios to justify, compel or arouse a response that would garner support (by the American Public) for sending 200 thousand troops off into armed conflict and un-restrained assault. Meanwhile, the Chinese will send 750 thousand of their own off into armed conflict and have no reservations loosing every single one of them because in their mind there’s plenty more where they came from.

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