Dinesh D’Souza; not on Film

I marvel at the media blackout over D’Souza’s film, “America: Imagine the World Without Her.” Asking myself; what could be wrong with this messenger and his affirming message? Understanding the defense posture of a failing state the question isn’t whether one should watch the film but rather what is the undertoe of the message that warrants so caustic a response by/from the statists.

I have no desire to offer a critique of D’Souza’s latest effort however I did watch the movie three times as a matter of fact and in separate locations. What I discovered was far more revealing which is to say that the most notable attribute of the films message wasn’t even on the screen. The tail of the tale was in the audience; there was uniformity in the expression of emotions driven by, on one side of the coin, a conspicuous understanding and on the other, an intimate longing for the promise implicit in the American ideal and a belief that it was deliberately being distorted by adolescent and malevolent forces.

American history isn’t a perfect evolution, however its ideal ambition holds to a truth that is as absolute as it is inevitable. It is certainly not the intellectual-polygamy of revisionist Howie Zin, the racist or gender-rift driven zealots or, for that matter, any party looking to redefine an effect in support of a cause. American History is best understood as a recording of ambition, at any moment in time, and how and in what way the course, thereafter, is altered; this ability is our greatest gift to one another.

There will likely never be uniformity where the specific calculus of history is concerned, however there can be in the course thereafter and this is where your influence remains most relevant and lasting. With great resolve, the ideal holds a seat in its auditorium for each of us.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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