The Outcome of Pelagius

I love the idea of freedom and all that accompanies ones discerning processes engaged in its perfecting.  I believe the concept of freedom is at the heart of every human beings search for fulfillment; truly, one must be free to become what they may.  On a spiritual plain we might even consider that it is the implicit law of Devine Providence or Natural Law. For Mans growth and expression to occur, must he not also be free to engage the processes necessary for expressing ones Providential Design?  I believe the answer is an unqualified yes!

A bit of history: Pelagius was a third century acetic who’s history is somewhat opaque however what is known is that he asserted, much to the displeasure of the Church, that man was not born with original sin and that he was free to do either right or wrong with no consequence or admonition (burden) to the same.  His doctrines became known as Pelagianism and seem strangely similar to many progressive ideologies. Now, to the point I intend to make:

We are, as Individuals or collectively as a Country, free to do either right or wrong the effects of which, despite the notions of Pelagius, have a direct consequence to each. If only one were to scan the events of the day we can observe just how the reckless impressions and practices of this doctrine can produce such devastation.

I think it’s about time we make a few right decisions, for a change. Don’t you?

Conspicuous in the commentaries of the day are the failings of our Government, our Political Organisms, our Legal System, our Individual Faculties as well as our Economic Paradigm.  I continue to sift through the media pools for a voice speaking directly to the points relevant and I dare say I continue to hear only the muffled sounds of meaningless babble. Yes, we hear a great deal of talk about these issues but not a coherent word as to a plausible reconciliation, a remedy, a strategy or even a declaratory relief.  Don’t you, like me, find this peculiar?

If you are prone to wonder as to my thoughts regarding the recently released Debt Commission’s Report, no I do not find it be even remotely coherent or even plausible.  I will in a moment, present an outline of strategic tasks but first let me offer a quote from one of my books:

“The Peoples’ greatest torment is neither fear nor so much as the abandonment of their moral compass. No, it is more likely that it is their sense of duty and honor that has been corrupted by the complete and utter disbelief that their Own have so willingly and so recklessly violated their trust!”

Yes, it is a matter of Trust.  The single most conspicuous identifier for what rests at the heart of our Nations most immediate concerns. Trust; more and more we are a People (a Nation) who now question nearly every component of our Nations structure. We question the trustworthiness of our Courts, Judicial Practices, the Law, Political Organisms, Politicians, Government, our Economic Paradigm, Educational Systems, Banking and Financial Systems, our Safety and most importantly (to me), we our now suspicious of one another!

Again, I think it’s about time we make a few right decisions, for a change!

Which leads me to my final entry for this commentary; what to do?  Well, as it and should always be the case, it is a matter of choice, however, on a National scope and from the minimalists perspective of the Economy, the following list represents a place to start (summary benefit appears in parenthesis following each):

  • Illuminate Individual Income Tax on First $250,000.  (Stirs the economic Cycle at/in the most productive segment of the economy.)
  • Make Union participation “optional” and bar Political Action/Contributions. (Far too much economic and political influence/control should never have been permitted. The State of California is a classic example of this unmentionable risk.)
  • Surtax Imports based on a Domestic Source ratio. (The greater the Domestic component the lower the Surtax. Targets domestic production.)
  • Legal: Tort/Malpractice and Prosecutorial Reform. (This Nation practices Law to obstruct Justice. The process must stop.)
  • Increase Tax Burden on Individual and Corporate Passive/Non-Productive Income. (We’ve got it backwards. We tax the application of effort. Just plain wrong. We are encouraging unproductively. This concept approaches a remedy.)
  • Increase Tax on Corporate domestic and global Income. (Again, as in the previous, we are taxing initiative and encouraging economic inefficiency.  You want proof? Look at your National Economy. We need to target and encourage domestic investment. Strange as it may seem, this is a step in the right direction.)
  • Create “Economic Development Bonds” that are Tax Free to Individuals. (Used to draw investment to enterprises developing domestic productivity. The greater the domestic source percentage, the great the tax free component.)
  • Target and Incentivize Domestic development and production. (No explanation necessary. The Congress and most Presidents however are exempt from this statement.)
  • Remove Health Care, Social Security, Medicaid/Medicare from Government Management. (Any Individual that believes the Government is capable of economic efficiencies and administrative oversight is clearly not capable of processing the issue. The evidence supporting this position is overwhelming.)
  • Cut/Eliminate Government Administrative Overburden – Push actions to the States. (This Nation has completely disincentivized enterprise. States must resume their dominant role in the economic enterprise of this Nation. National regulation of independent economic enterprise is simply not reasonable, rational or practical.)
  • Target Sustainable Energy Development. (Our greatest challenge to re-creating an economic engine is to develop affordable and sustainable energy that is not controlled by adverse interests.)


Consider these if you will and you will find that they have extraordinary collateral benefits and if you want to understand each of these strategies in greater detail then I suggest you purchase each of the three volumes of the Blind Vision Series. Question any suggestion that suggest a true and viable reformation that doesn’t address each of these concepts.

I am certain that we live in a time of incredible opportunity, both right and wrong. The game being played has very high stakes but equal to the cost and risk is the overwhelming potential of an extraordinary outcome!  Remember;

“Man must be FREE for INDEPENDENCE to be at LIBERTY to be Expressed!”

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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