Has the World Stopped Listening for the US?

I’m certainly no champion of US Policy that circumnavigates the world by way of a dominant military presence or by the strength of our politicized security apparatus that acts simply as a predatory merchant of information and strategic monetary grubbing. Rather, I believe that the US is necessary in a far greater role and that is as a champion, a perfecting force, of our national ideals.

The reason the world is in chaos, the reason why the US is becoming increasingly irrelevant/ignored is simply due to the fact that the world is already saturated with mediocrity. From the prospective of all things mediocre, we assert no distinction above or apart from the global norm; the status quo. The US, as a nation, works best when we, as individuals, relentlessly pursue the higher ideals backed by national leadership that not only secures the environment for its occurrence but also represents an academy for ready-reference.

The single greatest tragedy, of lasting consequence, has been the manner in which the Presidency has become an apparatus for disintegration and not as it was intended; a facility for elevating a nation’s aspirations and inspiring a common charge toward our highest ideals.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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