A Destination that Must be Averted!

During a recent radio appearance the host queried with the following question: “Looking over the horizon to issues the American Public, while they consider their vote for President, what single issue should concern them most?”

Though I never expected this type of question, the answer, topically, is never far from thought; the answer is simply this: “A surrogate war with Russia that will inevitably mature into direct conflict. The belief, by an entirely new, malignant and deranged group of neo-fascists are committed to a global consortium of nation-states and, at the moment, the only stand-outs are Russia and China.

If anyone were to sit back and track the global events, since and including the Vietnam War, the charted course is unmistakable. One by one, once sovereign nations have been encircled by an all-encompassing doctrine that indoctrinates-by-poison a homogenous form of political-sociological division and dependency that emaciates ones powers of discernment and blinds the mind into accepting a series of false premises. Among them being a them vs. us routine, wealth/class division, government-the-savior political divisiveness & dependency, external threat routines and so on.

The options are as clear as they are few: One option leads to most-certain and ultimately inevitable tragedy whilst the other being a strong and secure Nation independent and apart from international conspiratorial blood-sport focused, singularly, on the sovereign and independent well-being of its people. There is no alternative, there are no middle-ground positions and there clearly can never be limited or negotiable entanglement. There is no mitigating of the predators appetite and we know this to be so as human history is littered with the remains of attempts to prove reality to be something other than what it is.

The challenges this Country faces, social, economic and political, are of no matter if the voting public gets this decision wrong. The election is still 6 months off and you will know how accurate my observations are by the number of derelicts and their devious methods employed to derail you away from making the correct decision. The following link offers a very potent and accurate assessment; I suggest you take a moment and read it.

A Russian Warning

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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