Biden Surrogates Speak In Circle:

Simon and Garfunkel lyrics tell a great metaphorical tail that speaks to the mythical rhymes of the Clintonesque mime; “I have squandered my resistance for a pocket full of mumbles, such are promises. All lies and jests still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.”

Truth is a great terror to most for one very simple reason; most run to avoid being confronted by it, for not wanting to confess one have squandered one’s resistance to the intoxicating grasp of a most promising lie.

Biden will likely never have to address the rape allegations made by Ms. Reade because the horde who supports him would have to face their own culpabilities: (1) that the allegations against Trump were deliberately staged. (2) That the charges thrust at Kavanaugh were an exquisitely crafted fraud. And worse, far worse is number (3) That forcing the same standards of “me too” credo be applied to Biden is something they simply haven’t the required character to enforce the realization of which effectively smothers their hubris with the rainbow of hypocrisy. All of which proves that Trump “fake news” recitations are, in fact, accurate and justified.

“Man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.” 

Face it, when the single greatest attendant to one’s defense is nonother than the Charlatan of Chappaqua, Hilary Clinton, then it fair to say you’ve reached the epilogue of character and the gates of hell have closed behind you. This may be the first Presidential Election were the individual who wins doesn’t run and the person who becomes President could win if they did!

The course of progressivism this nation has chosen has nearly destroyed the liberties once associated with freedom; now, all that’s left is the dictatorial practices this nation once fought to destroy. Once day, it will all work out, it’s destiny assured, just not for quite some time!

Curtis C. Greco, Founder


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