Tag Archives: conservative principles

Trump Forcing GOP to Face Race Card

Like him or not Trump is exactly the kind of force I’d hoped would arrive; after all hoping that this country’s political system would self-cleanse was and has never been a likely event. For the first time since the LBJ era introduced the caricature of government-sponsored race-based opportunism along comes Trump (and Dr. Carson) who do the unthinkable by attacking the issues head-on. Forcing the GOP to face their culpability in allowing the race-based divide to continue.
I’ve not seen a single media outlet even begin to approach the issue, keeping their tradition of being a complimentary force in the destructive process in place, regardless of how critically relevant the issue may be. Instead of crawling into a defensive posture, what the GOP should be doing, and in part I believe this is precisely what both Trump and Dr. Carson are promulgating, is to craft issues of opportunity not based on Race but simply on universally applicable terms. Those that the very same Conservative Principles the Party promotes are precisely those that will erase the Race-Divide created by nearly 50 years of Race-Based Politics.
These same conservative principles are here, universally, to benefit each individual and they do so despite the color of your skin or economic background. What should be promoted is an Anti-Race agenda; an agenda that is universal and non-specific as to Race and yet, in practical terms, universally applicable to all; isn’t this what we stand for?
If we are going to claim the universal principals stated in our own Declaration of Independence then how is it anyone should expect the process to produce its stated promise if government, due to its policies and as the result of predatory political ambitions both of which animate and feed upon the race-divide, is itself the single greatest sponsor of segregation?
Curtis C. Greco, Founder
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