Tag Archives: Hillary Clinton

Hillary: Could it be Iran-Contra revisited?

While others would have you believe that Clinton’s great blunder is all about her choice of email servers and/or whether she knowingly communicated classified information. Her problem, if it ever sees the light of day, is far more serious.

It’s not about the emails that are being released. It’s the content of the so-called “personal” emails that are far more relevant and, I suspect, contain damning information about non-sanctioned activities that she was orchestrating well outside of her pay-grade. Why risk an obstruction of justice charge (and a host of others) if the subject(s), as she claims, were merely relating to yoga classes, pant-suit designs, dinner menus and salon appointments?

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GOP Heading To Fail

RNC Chair Reince Preibus demonstrates GOPs tendency for self-destruction. His pronouncement that Mrs. Clinton is “about the best person we could possibly hope for” telegraphs that the GOP strategy is to run against Hillary instead of running on a specific plan for restoring the American public’s faith in representative government.

If the GOP is bent on blood-sport politics then they will lose the White House in 2016 primarily because voters will not turn out for the GOP offering and Hillary will win atop the GOP’s failure to connect.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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The Elixir of Slick-Williedom to Save Hilly?

For his apparent ability to slip thru several political crises and charm his way out of bad news, Ronald Reagan earned the title of the “Teflon President.” Then there’s Bill Clinton; in the early days of 24/7 media to the current day no politician, not a one, has managed to refine the art of deflection into an enduring form of duality as has he; not even a close second. He is and will forever be “Slick Willie!”

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