Hillary: Obama’s Iran-Contra?

Distant as the Iran-Contra affair may be it is worth remembering that it nearly took down the Reagan Administration. The maze of chronic Middle-East policy failures that will forever define the Obama legacy is equaled only by the level of contempt, deceit and brazen disregard for the very system of government these people are sworn to uphold.

Why did Hillary off-site her emails/server? Why were only a select few of the emails offered? Why would you create a classification of emails defined as “Personal”? Why would you “scrub” a hard-drive? Why, other than Hillary, do none of the others in the email address chain step forward with any of the allegedly “scrubbed” emails? Surely someone other than Hillary either sent or received them. Why are emails previously not identified as “Classified” now being re-classified as “confidential” (one of the lowest levels of “secure” classification)?

Right before your very eyes, and with the help of the media, you are witnessing a massive and well-organized cover up; not to protect “classified” documents, national security or communications but more so to camouflage “…the level of contempt, deceit and brazen disregard for the very system of government these people are sworn to uphold.”

Obama/Clinton don’t want you to know, I proffer, that Ambassador Stevens and others were left to die simply to seal the truth about Clinton’s behind the scene meddling in Syria and Egypt. Or Clinton’s behind the scene attempts to entrap Iran’s President Ahmadinejad into a quid-pro-quo Clintonesque style ruse and the possibility that her mysterious health issues (head wound circa Dec. 2013) were (actually) related to this failed and deeply damaging-to-U.S.-clout playground scheme. Or various communiques from foreign diplomats blasting the Administration for its defiantly ignorant and magnificently degenerative policy routine(s).

Don’t expect, of course, that any of this will see the light of day; the Administration. Particularly where the artificially adept Chief Executive is concerned, he has so completely contaminated the oversight function of the government that nary a politician in office today is able or willing to articulate a contra-position without being at risk for exposing their own culpability.

It is the case that government, particularly the Federal Government, is now fully unsalvageable. It is fully vested in its ability to serve and protect itself and you are its enemy. If you understand the truth of this you will also understand why Trump is both incredibly popular and equally dangerous. The chain of silence leads to enslavement while anger mutes all reason in opposition to it.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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