Lowering Expectations?

The first months of the Biden Administration has proven to be a continuation of the progressive-fascist agenda a component of which insists on the reversal of Trump Administration successes, as many as conveniently possible.

Why is this? Why should the liberty of success be a threat? Why is the ideal of individual sovereignty so seismically feared? I’ll offer my thoughts, momentarily.

“Without question, the divisiveness behind this ever-expanding seduction is but a flaming form of ignorance so effective that the Public welcomes being force-fed the meal of lowered expectations.”

Having experienced the privilege of spending time in front of so many people, whether on radio, public events, lectures, legislative/policy analytics etc., I find myself front and center to a Public that seems increasingly concerned by what they see happening and yet they’re incredibly detached and non-responsive to it. While most folks see no risk in anonymously skewering an elected official I think it time we acknowledge the source of the problem is an Electorate that votes these ne’er do wells into office.

While freedom to make a choice is a fundamental tenet of individual sovereignty we must never forget that this privilege is always accompanied by a burdensome duty, one that once removed sets free a punishing effect, the unreconcilable cost of consequential hubris.

While Man must be free for liberty to be expressed and yet while we are always free to do (a thing or make a choice) we are forever tethered to an element of absolute certainty, the type of certainty that speaks in a most absolute manner: You may be free to do (a thing or make a choice) you may not be at liberty to do so and most definitely when the outcome of having done so becomes consequential to someone other than you. Those who express their freedom to choose in such a nihilist attuned manner breed, in exponential terms, the certainty of consequential hubris. These folks are mindlessly unconcerned with the consequence that accompanies unchecked and unrestrained power or the manner in which these abuses always leverage another’s personal sovereignty (yours) for their personal gain. Without question, the divisiveness behind this ever-expanding seduction is but a flaming form of ignorance so effective that the Public welcomes being force-fed the meal of lowered expectations.

“Yes, sadly it is true, we will never be able to outrun consequence.”

Now then, a perfect moment for returning to a question left unanswered; why it is that freedom, liberty and/or sovereignty are so troubling to progressives, to fascists and generally any narcist who favors the facilities of totalitarian rule? My answer is as follows: The order of Natural Law is intimidating to those who are repulsed by any obligation or tethering to anything absolute, to an order that ties one to the construct of cause and effect. The moment one abides by these they bind themselves to a fundamental tenant of existence which is that there is a force, a presence (an order of intelligence), an authority, a rule to which we are subordinate to and while we have the ability to choose to be or act in opposition to it (free will) and while we are often unwilling to acknowledge it we are, intuitively, aware that we do not have any control over it or its order/rule. True, we spend a great deal of time, effort and thought in our attempt to relieve ourselves of consequence we will, ultimately, come to the understanding that we are unable to outrun it. Yes, sadly it is true, we will never be able to outrun consequence.

With the previous paragraph in mind then understand that the narcist, the fascist, the megalomaniacal misanthropic brood find all of this intolerable simply because to own it would be an impossibly. And why? To grasp the significance of this exercise one must have complete clarity on exactly how the aberration takes hold on the mind and conscience of this troubled soul. Implicit boundaries, to them, is a form of disenfranchisement, in effect, an overriding restraint on a predatory ritual that is itself a form of self-seduction to or by a belief system of non-belief entitlement. They can tell you whatever they want simply because they are not obligated to the truth of or behind anything they say or do. They see consequence not as a function of an affecting of an effect but a function of your failing to fully surrender your self-indulgent rituals and sell-out the totality of you to their service (them). It’s really quite simple: They just want what they want and they expect that you will comply with their insisting that they are rightly entitled to it and that you will do what is required so that you avoid becoming the targeted focus of their ridicule and abuse so that others, like you, are forced into becoming part of the forced seduction.

I’d much prefer a target someone or something other than Beijing-Joe but let’s be honest with one another, we’d find it impossible to pick a better posterchild for one in possession of a so thoroughly complete record of legislative blunderings, political pandering, dishonesty, incompetence, sense of personal and political entitlement and so on. His legacy is not simply one that tunes to his signal as President but one whose broadcasts originates all the way back to his high school days; how the man has made it through the Voter litmus test is proof that there are no barriers to the voting booth and proof of just how formidable the ongoing threat of lowered expectations is a national curse.

The Voting Public, by their standard of endorsement (their vote), holds the last checkpoint to public office and one has only to look at the quality of Public Officials to conclude that the Voting Public has, overwhelmingly, surrendered its duty. It has become clear that anyone with a pulse can be granted access to the corridors of power and Biden is the quintessential superlative for the abusive excess of totalitarian order; he personifies the indiscriminating intrusion and imposition of all things narcissistic and self-serving that while outside of government he could never survive (on his own) and yet from within the halls of public service the license to feed accommodates his appetite quite well and those behind and a part of his power structure.

“Study him (Biden) closely and you will quickly see that he is the mirror of a nation that has lost regard for its founding premise.”

He, at present, represents the highest evolutionary form, he’s been in many ways a model carrier, the most current delivery system for expanding the seeding, the mass seduction whose single purpose is to diminish the Public’s powers of discernment. Study him closely and you will quickly see that he is the mirror of a nation that has lost regard for its founding premise. It is quite unnerving when you consider how little Joe Biden has had to do to get to where he is; he’s never experienced a need to be, do or demand of himself anything more but the absolute minimum.

We are, in the end, bound to one another and so at some point we will have no choice but to own a basic truth: There are no conditions where we can suspend the effects of our actions. Our actions find their genesis in our thinking as does our tolerance for their accompanied adversities. If we, at some point, begin to recognize the unpalatability of our lowered expectations it will mark the beginning of a recovery. Even the most tolerant among us will inevitably discover that they have become intolerant of the many aberrations that have exhausted their reservoirs of tolerance.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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