Net Neutrality: The Last of the Wild West?

I marvel at the Presidents desperation; 6 years into a 2-term presidency and the most dominate contributions toward his Presidential legacy are his failures. He continues his strategy which seems to be lobbing a hook onto anything with the hope of grabbing onto something, anything to keep him conspicuous and appearing relevant and the Net Neutrality issue is such a case.

FCC Title II was put in place, in part, as an effort to break-down the control of nationwide phone service and structure so-called operational uniformity, or so it would seem. What it did was to open the door for institutionalizing Government dominance both in form and structure and if you look at your phone bill, a remarkable tax revenue generating scheme as well. In the case of the internet, allowing the FCC, a non-elected bureaucracy, to possess unilateral regulatory control will irrevocably alter the internet in favor of a structured bias that serves merely to favor further government control.

The President prefers to equivocate on his position as the last great defender against the excess of the Wild West. However, completely unware of the benefits offered by a free and open environment where unrestrained effort and inspiration have proven that outcome often creates a most remarkable legacy of success. Particularly where the shackles of governmentalization are an orphan.

The following are a select group of responses to questions/comments received after the original article was published. We believe you will find them of interest.

#1: Government orchestrates, always,  from the lowest-possible common denominator and this occurs not because of an attempt at reaching consensus but instead because the driving force is always on or of a narrow interest. 

The consequence of this is that you always end up with an ever narrowing outcome and why is that?  Simple: because government legislates by constriction and not pro-generation.  It is the nature of the beast. 

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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