Tag Archives: legalized bribery

The Clarity of Eisenhower | Legalized Bribery

In an age where public opinion is shaped by well oiled media-machinery it’s increasingly difficult to persuade folks to pull themselves away from the teat-of-the-apocryphal; after all so’n-so from some media outlet, some foolish celebrity or politician said so. The fact remains that the current economic, social and political state of this nation and its continued diminution is neither an accident or, for that matter, deliberate; it is a consequence and yet, fortunately, it is reversible.
The following link is a remarkable piece of work which includes well researched and documented references and it is precisely the length necessary to cover the key points every American should consider. As with all the links I post they are critically relevant and I encourage one and all to pass them around.
Curtis C. Greco, Founder
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