Tag Archives: Romney

The Irony of All Ironies

“The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from its profits or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.”

Mayer A. B. Rothschild is always a fabulous source for illustrating the hubris of monetary militarist; he is, after all, the archetypical master of the regimes ideology.  To truly understand the nature of this Nation’s greatest crisis to date one will have to grasp the significance of this statement. One of the greatest ironies, if not perhaps The Irony of All Ironies, is the truth of what this comment has to say about our own Nation. The ideology that feeds the monetary militarist is so structurally pervasive and so affectively imbedded within our political and economic cultures that it is now seemingly inseparable; it may even be a fait accompli.

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When Silence Speaks

In a recent interview I was asked the following question: “Looking at the presidential candidates, considering the economic crisis before us, which one strikes you as the best equipped to deal with this Nations problems?”  I quickly responded, “Which one?” 

It requires no great stretch of the imagination to be impressed by the many problems that require serious attention and to be quite honest, I observe no single Candidate offering any stand-out proposition in possession of a deliberate strategy or purpose; all I do hear is the predictable ambiguity of political hedging. Could it be that they simply don’t know? Or, even more troubling; could it be that winning the office is more about being successful at telling the Public something other than what they should or for that matter, need to know. 

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