Unleashing Iran; Collateral Threats

An ascending China is creating an entirely new level of instability in many areas most notably and the more immediate being the apparatus of Foreign Policy. It is entirely relevant to understand that the asymmetric threat that China represents should be considered as a product of the following:

  1. Predatory financial interests (of the West) with a global appetite.
  2. Weak/Feckless Political Operatives acting on behalf of Financial Interest neither of whom understand the history of the organism(s) they are dealing with or the punishing consequences of their actions.
  3. Failure to understand the importance of maintaining sound and sustainable domestic economic policy. And,
  4. Diminution of historically unflappable allegiance of U.S. Military Command to their respective military code of conduct.

The notion of a global economic nation-state has been proven, repeatedly, to be an unsustainable model primarily because it violates an inviolable economic rule I refer to as E-Kinetic Attenuation:

All economic viability originates and cycles locally while it dramatically weakens as its advantages are dispersed.

The proof of my theory’s validity can be seen in the exponential growth in income inequality.

The mistake many contemporaries make is to believe globalism is a natural maturation of an economic process; it is not. The Chinese (Silk Road) tried and failed, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Turks, Ottomans, the Venetians, the Spanish, British and so on and of course this is not an exhaustive list of every failed attempt but the point remains the same: They all failed and so will/is the current effort and for the very same fundamental reasons which the E-Kinetic Attenuation theory describes.

Short Story: The Cabal of Corruptibles believe that they can compress their control over global resources by penetrating the architecture of sovereign states by way of monetary policy. The thought being that by enticing adversaries with participation in the global-banking & credit system a unsuspecting target-Nation will become beholden to those interests; by and large this practice as worked fabulously since the 1700’s. These same interests believe this same practice will work with the Chinese Communists and I believe they’re wrong, dead wrong. In fact, while the Western whores have been rejoicing in an all new round of spiraling inflationary wealth the Chicoms have been busy refining their version of the Western Fiat-Fractional Banking System and they’ve become wildly successful at it all of which makes the certainty of an all new global conflict an absolute. Understand that the Chicoms will never surrender their status to the West and if you doubt this statement then take a look at Hong Kong.

Now, for those who like a good analytical study, let’s continue on with a more detailed review of what lies behind the concentrated “Short Story.”

The use of an “ascending China” reference in connection to the prospects of an Iranian threat is just one example of the dangers this Nation faces with the resumption of a Globalized Foreign policy agenda long favored by predecessors of the Bush- Clan who,  thru the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), systematically rescripted the protocols of U.S. State Department, U.S. Military, CIA and FBI (but to a much lesser extent, so far) into the out-of-control monetizing power hungry machines they are today.

For now, in an effort to limit the scope of the discussion, let’s confine this review to only one of Trump’s many successes. Let us target the “energy independence” topic; we’ll reverse the policy and then consider the dynamics to follow in the wake of that decision, specifically, as it relates to the Middle-East:

Oil Trade has been a remarkable tool for expressing economic influence about the globe. You may think that Oil drilled from the U.S. favors the American marketplace when in truth it is the global commodities marketplace that has long been used to establishes the price per barrel and without regard to where the oil/gas is sourced and what unit of currency it is to be monetized (priced).

(Note: Some will suggest that there are two markets for the Commodity of Crude, e.g., “Brent” and “Crude-West Texas” but in reality the distinction exists as a “check and leverage” facility than one of a “value-added” feature. Notice how closely their pricing trails one another.)

So you see, while oil has been pulled from the sands of the Middle East since the early 1900’s it really didn’t become the medium of transmitting wealth it has been until it was made to become more profitable in a more distinctly potent manner. This new found level of profitability occurred when a group of wealthy demagogues got together and decided to manipulate the appearance of global supply and they did this by establishing a globalized marketplace.

What is unique about the driving forces behind OPEC was not at all about supply (which was never in question) but the ability to establish a global medium thru which Oil would be traded and monetized. The whole supply-demand chain theory was upended by creating a target-market-price-point and then supporting the inflated value with claims of shortages (supply) despite the reality the oil has never been in short supply, it was only made to appear to be. NOW, understand what this single market-making event accomplished:

  • It allowed a single facility, the Global Market and the influences that control it (no, it was not OPEC but it was made to look as if it was), to use Oil as a tactical warhead.
  • It allowed the flooding of a targeted group of Middle-East Countries with trillions of petro-dollars subsidized wealth that, once addicted to this new found wealth, made these once nomadic tribes into highly manipulable Feudal-Patriarchs.
  • Forces in opposition to this Cabal of Corruptibles, primarily the Soviets, Chinese and their satellites followed, to a lesser extent, India and Pakistan each of whom began their own campaign of asymmetrical warfare in an effort to oppose the threats created by the West.

The end result of this was to unleash what would prove to be an uncontrollable escalation in the wasting of life, national sovereignties and fortunes. This abuse continue, uninterrupted, to scar the planet.

Oh yes indeed Americans marched in opposition to all of this, they firebombed their own Cities and neighborhoods over it, claimed the certainty of a global regime to be behind it and yet when a Man came along, the first since JFK, who showed signs of and actually made significant progress in putting an end to this Global Market Regime’s control of your destiny; what did you do? You unmercifully vilified the man and engage in a Coup to force him out of office. Simply brilliant! Anyways, seemed like the perfect time to make the point regarding the ever presence of the “willing victim.” Onward:

Trump’s “America First” policy is undeniably the most appropriate action and consistent with tenets of sound economic policy but don’t take my word for it look at the economic success history of the U.S. since the somewhat but never truly permanent break from the slothy-Brits.

The economic turnaround, only just begun under Trump, rapidly generated economic activity but make no mistake it was not so much due to the sudden restoration of merchantable-capacity but simply because when you look at the U.S. – in terms of economic opportunity – as it limps along on the crumbs of long-past and over-exhausted economic successes and just barely functioning on the tattered remains of its first generation-century-plus year old infrastructure and then combine all this with the value of an untapped and grotesquely underutilized labor-force how can one possibly ignore the value of this economic potential this mountainous source represents. The markets surely didn’t.

Why, one might be prone to inquire, would this opportunity be squashed? The wealth-creating opportunities of this opportunities was, indeed, a most powerful source of motivation unfortunately it also motivated powerful influences who are unwilling to unleash the positive influence of this type of opportunity particularly when it is outside of their control and this is, quite honestly, simply because Capitalists, by nature, are Marxists and Marxists at their heart are also Fascists; in order to be a Fascist one is undeniably first a Narcissistic, Misanthropic Toad. Period!  Take a moment, ask yourself the following question: What remains of the driving force of any marketplace when you remove the element of competition?

Remember: Capitalism and Free Market Economics are NOT the Same Thing; the key difference is that Capitalism loathes, I mean is truly repulsed by the perfecting forces of competition. Also, one other point to remember is this: History clearly demonstrates that nearly every social upheaval can be traced to the inhuman actions of forces who feed off a resourceful host (you) without which they cannot survive; never forget this. Everything you observe taking place within and about the social/political/economic upheaval underway in the U.S. is directly attributed to this sickness.

Trump’s success in focusing on U.S. Oil & Gas production accomplished several positive results key among them, and deliberately not reported by the Press/Media-Complex, being:

  •  Removal of the market price supports by eliminating a key tool of manipulation, i.e., Domestic U.S. Demand.
  • Allowed the U.S. to further develop its massive Natural Gas resources which has yielded four critical benefits: (1) Allowed for the methodical refit of coal-fired power plant to cleaner burning NG without an interruption in utility. (2) Allowed for the repositioning of Coal Mining labor forces to NG industry. (3) The supply of Domestically sourced NG was so robust it allowed the U.S. to offer the E.U. an energy source (complete) capable of fully replacing the Russian source. And, (4) NG replacement of coal, in domestic energy production, came at a cost less than that of the coal-fired energy it replaced.
  • By deflating the influences of faux market price supports the Administration was able to interrupt the currency flow used to fund the treasuries of U.S. Adversaries while at the same time restored direct-market access for Domestic producers to off-shore markets.
  • Stalled the coordinated efforts of the Russia-China Military Pact largely because Russia could no longer afford to keep pace with the Chinese.

This list is by no means an exhaustive relief of the immediate and near innumerable schedule of the collateral rewards however a complete analysis was not the goal of this essay however, illustrating the dangers ahead should there be no opposition to a reversal of the America First Foreign Policy agenda set in motion by Trump is.

Biden’s innuendo suggesting the Trumps “America First” policy placed America Last on the Global Stage is utter nonsense and a complete display of ignorance on many levels however in one sense he speaks a certain truth; his statement reveals an indelible confession that he has sought and received protection from the legal consequences of his various schemes in exchange for total control of the U.S. political-economic system. For you party faithful who think that all that was required of you was the removal of Trump and the reversal of his Economic/Foreign Policies you’ve been played as fools. What this Cabal of Corruptibles are counting on, from Biden, in exchange for their protection looks something like this:

  • Total integration, of the U.S., into the global regime. Yes, every aspect of the U.S. social order, economic structure, financial system, legislative & legal apparatus, police powers and military.

Seems complex and inconceivable and yet, oddly enough, the American People have allowed much of this process to occur and long before Trump was ever elected. Right now, if you were to remove everything not grown, sourced, manufactured or assembled here in the U.S. you’d wipe out nearly eighty-three percent of what you own, eat, lease or make payments on.

How economically depraved is the American Public? Approximately eighty-seven percent of the American Public relies on some form of Government Subsidy, ironically, funded by the Taxpayer or some form of Debt Instrument. Did you know that nearly half of the Fortune 500 rely on government contracts/subsidies as well? No, you probably didn’t, who would have reported it to you or, for that matter, understood the reason why it is a most newsworthy topic?

Wrapping it up: Absent Trumps-Opposition the U.S. will slide back into the role of the well-armed drunkard and resume the sing-song lyrics of the Make the World Safe For Democracy death-march. The American Public will be presented with an entirely new script of fear-based tactical rusettes and a re-hashing of a few favorites from the past. Utterly asinine as you should expect them to be (because they most definitely are) and in keeping with a similar theme I’ve constructed the following list intended to simulate a similar style of lunacy while retain my customary level of predictable accuracy:

  • We’re appealing to all lovers of freedom, from all around the world, to join with us in support of this new cause which supports the use of independent government committees to determine which freedoms are relevant to the challenges at hand.
  • If we can’t put an end to those who deny global warming (which will mature to be referred to as “Climate Change”) the day will not be far off when Science will be able to tell us why they too are equally unsustainable.
  • It is no longer sustainable for income inequality to be our friend; no true friend would dare wish to ever have more than YOUR share. Really!
  • Even though the U.S., in international terms, is no longer a gross-polluter it is necessary for us to re-enter the Paris Climate Accord to ensure that our silence is not an indication of our unwillingness to share a disproportionate burden.
  • If we continue to hold fast to Trump’s Policy toward Iran we will eliminate any possibility for restoring the promise of our original Iran Nuclear Deal; we will be forced to allow other Middle-Eastern Countries to join the stable of Nations with deliverable Nuclear Warheads.
  • To suspend Iran’s nuclear weapons program, we must accept that none of Trump’s Middle East Foreign Policy, his Abraham Accords in particular, are unsustainable without a comprehensive Nuclear Accord with Iran.
  • If we withdrawal from the aggressive stance projected by the Trump Economic and Foreign Policy agenda, we should then be able to hope that China will know that we are no longer a threat to their economic interests and thus be willing to engage in a global economic assurance plan.
  • Due to the liberal economic policies of the Trump Administration, the very same policies that unleased the predatory forces of the Chinese Juggernaut, we now have no choice but to call upon the global family of man, true patrons of liberty, to join forces and bring an end to the predatory and inhuman practices of the Communist Chinese, so help us Gawd.

Biden and the Fools who control him, and a goodly portion of the planet, are about to attend the very same class/lesson taught by Hitler in 1938. The very same lesson Britain’s Prime Minister Chamberlain force his Island Nation to learn, and oddly enough, much of the world.

Hold on as best you can, it’s most definitely going to get messy.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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