Recourse for Failure?

“The passage of time records both action and consequence bearing witness to their frequent reoccurrence.”  That’s a twister worth playing with from time to time!  

An interesting event occurred this past Saturday, I was at my office working on transcripts of my journal entries when the phone rang.  The caller had managed to, as she put it, “…track me down…”, seems as though she wanted to see if it was possible to speak with a person who would “…write such a book!”  

We had a rather pleasant conversation and she was “struck” by my willingness to talk with her.  For me though, I found her sense of disbelief that “…someone would be so willing to express their opinions so passionately…” rather curious.  I asked (of her) why she should feel this way, her response was rather sobering. She said, “No one seems to care anymore…it seems that people expect failure and if you watch the news or read the papers, that’s all there is…”  I added that, though not with intention of supporting her perspective, the System plans for failure and fail’s to work a plan for success.  

Our conversation lasted for about 25 minutes and I listened to her intently and was left, ultimately, with yet another affirmation that my efforts spoke not only for my perspective but for many others who felt much as I do.  She was very complimentary and so effusive in her affirmations that I had to make it clear that mine is just one point of view. I’m not looking to change anyone’s mind or make a claim as to supremacy of perspective, I’m only trying to stir a conversation that will hopefully lead to a dramatic change in the business and practices of the “as usual!”  I told her, “I’m looking, like you, to see if America matters any more, to anybody. If it does, within one year we will know, if it doesn’t, then my point will be proven either way!”  

We concluded our conversation and I quickly took down a few notes from my visit with this nice Lady. One in particular was a comment relating to an observation that formed during the chat and it, more or less, appears this way: there is no consequence, no Recourse (for the People) against a Political System for its Failures! In the world most people live in there is always consequence, why not for People in Government? Why are they deemed sacred? Why are they so well insulated? Why?  

The best one can hope for is that the errant Politician is not re-elected otherwise, as we all know, the Political System has orchestrated complete immunity for itself and its consequential actions.  In short, the price of failure is thrust (only) upon the People!  

Which leads me to another important observation that is the equal companion to the former: these of course are the conversations occurring that ultimately define what becomes what I refer to as the “presumptions of cause.”  These are the countless propagations which evolve to become the political fancy of the day.  You know them, their consequential effects smother our future prospects.  They, in a way uniquely all their own, define for you what it is that becomes what you choose! Here are just a few of them:  

  • President Wilson’s “Federal Reserve Act of 1913”
  • President Roosevelt’s various “New Deal” legislative acts including Social Security.
  • JFK’s Executive Order providing Collective Bargaining Rights to Public Employee Unions.
  • LBJ’s “Great Society”, Medicaid and Medicare all further expanded under the Nixon Administration.
  • President Carter’s “Community Reinvestment Act” further expanded under “Bush I” Presidency,  Clinton’s Presidency and “Bush II” Presidency.
  • President Clinton’s “Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999”
  • President George H. Bush’s “Prescription Drug Program.”

I truly hope the day is soon upon us when we put away this puerile notion that government knows best.  That Government which offers its version of choice is nothing but the Progressive Ideology that seeks, as its first order of business, to disable your inalienable right to define what becomes of your choice!  That privilege rests solely with you as the Individual and not with the Collective malaise of Bureaucratic “group think!”  

I trust that the Public Conscience is awakening to the truth of the statement that “choice is not choice at all if the available options do not exclude the certainty of failure!”    

Take a look at the dialogue of the day, whether it be “Health Care”, “Bank Bailouts”, “Wall Street Bailouts”, “Auto Industry Bailouts”, “Agriculture Bailouts”, “Newspaper Bailouts”, “Union Bailouts”, “State Bailouts” and the list, seemingly, goes on and on! BUT, we hear not a word about a single event were an Individual, a Company, a Bank, a Politician, a Regulator being held accountable for these egregious Failures.  Not a one is held to account, punitively, for their breach!  

Not a one stands for the People and the burden, caused by these excesses, which we will all bear for years to come.  Not a one!  However, if you listen to the various media outlets, you’ll here commentary on the failures, but you’ll not hear of an offering for restitution or for recovery! No, what you will hear is the commentary of polarity as if to suggest that one Party or the other owns the ultimate remedy which, I might add, they do not, they’ve too much invested to break ranks with the status quo.  

In the final analysis, where the People are concerned, there is no Recourse for Failure!  There is only its price!  

The Public needs to be made aware, the next trap is being set!  It is the Republican Party re-Ascension and it is being cautiously and quietly planned and we, The People, must not let it happen! We must insist and hold firm to the emergence of a dominant 3rd Party.   

So long as the 2 Party System is permitted to endure, “…the available options do not exclude the certainty of failure!”  If we can agree on any one thing, we most certainly have sufficient proof to the observation that as The People have no Recourse for Failure,  should we not then, at the minimum, make it be the consequence of our OWN choice and not only of the choices made available? I believe so!  There is absolutely NO valid, relevant, coherent and justifiable reason to accept the argument that there is no alternative to the present 2 Party System.  If you look at Early American History, it was one of the greatest concern, i.e., Partisan Politics, most frequently presented as the single greatest threat to the American Republic.  James Madison, starting with Federalist Paper #9 and throughout the entirety of #10 gives no quarter to partisanship.  His own words:  

“A pure democracy can admit no cure for the mischiefs of faction.  A common passion or interest will be felt by a majority, and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party.”

Did he have a crystal ball? NO, he didn’t need one and nor do we!  James Madison had the British Monarchy and the legacy of history’s failures; we have only to look at the last 100 years to equal the very same observation!

In the end, whatever the outcome, rest assured it will be the result of ones choice!  One of those nasty little inviolable laws of Nature! 

“Government when left to its own devices devises its own devices!”  

And so,  I’ll leave you, for now,  with one question:  Have you had enough?

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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