Monthly Archives: April 2021

China Warns U.S.

As promised and as expected China’s actively chambering rounds targeted at the U.S. and with no intention of backing off, and why should they. What weapon does Biden use to challenge the belligerence of the Chicons?

Does Biden urge Congress to sanction any further U.S. Corporate Investment in China? Does Biden block Chicom Shell-Corps from using U.S. Financial Markets to drain domestic investment and redirect it into Chicom Venture? Does Biden move to incentivize U.S. Corporations to repatriate their technological advancements strictly to U.S.-Based Production? Does Biden do anything to signal to the World Community that the U.S. is no longer going to turn its’ back on the American Public and work to re-cast a sovereign U.S. Economic footprint? NO, he does none of these or anything approaching a formidable, thoughtful and deliberate stance. What he does by doing nothing is the worst possible: He signals retreat.

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Professional Sports- The Irredeemable!

Professional Sports are, without question, a Federal, State & Taxpayer Subsidized Trust Fund directed at inebriating the conscionable adequacies of the American Public. Their stand on Social Matters, manufactured or otherwise, is provided a publicly subsidized venue for the open display of the dysfunctional fairy-tail promulgated from within this structured form of sanctioned degradation. I urge Americans to refuse being patronized by these misfits. I urge every American to openly and conspicuously boycott these ego-centric misanthropic toads.

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Infrastructure Investment Gone Wrong (In a Big Way):

First of all, let’s begin with a fundamental, foundational, truth: Central Planning has never worked, it is the equivalent of believing one is able to recreate the earth from an end product, e.g., believing it is possible to reverse engineer Planet Earth using an Apple. The age-old conflict began with believing One can entrust the creation of an economic success to an apparatus that has no concept or grasp of the components, the integral necessities, that lie back or behind any creative motive or outcome. I am speak, specially, of the engine of “compelling cause.”

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The Wall of Injustice

While the Biden Administration works to pry political advantage out of human tragedy, with their watch us bait’n-seed- failure concurrently with incinerating virtue all-the-while the world watches in horror, the whole of humanity deepens its bewildering attachment to the absurd.

We’ve not yet tired of the “give me your tired” pitch now an integral part to the Political Culture just as Vote Harvesting is the latest livery of Social Justice. How did preying on those who suffer under decades of abuse, by fascist predators and their puppets, become a fashionable form to be cultured as if it were some form of virtue? Does this observation elicit an element of suspicion? Of doubt? Then consider, if you dare, the strategically placed and edited news clips highlighting the misfortunes of those – being openly encouraged by Beijing-Joe and his regimented horde – breaking the laws of a sovereign nation on every occasion that the U.S. Border is breached.

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