Equipping The Enemy on Departure

The ruse of the Biden Administrations departure, excuse me, “planned departure,” from Afghanistan is without a doubt an exhibition, on every level, of all things inept; sadly, I fear this caliber of action is now to be expected, it is now the new order of all things Biden. Oh yes, even as the Administration was in the midst of their “planned withdrawal” they continued sending military equipment to Afghanistan. Yes, the Administration latest policy, Equipping the Enemy on Departure, leads the exodus with (first) a near complete draw-down of Military Personnel followed by leaving behind an estimated 15,000 Americans (not to mention Afghans who provided strategic services to the U.S.) with no way out of the Country, 2000 armored vehicles, 40 aircraft (UH-60 Blackhawks, Scout Helos & Military Drones) and ordinance of unspecified quantities and varieties. Can you imagine the delight of the Chinese and the Russians, both eager to make playmates of the Taliban, upon their discovery of this cash-crop in U.S. Military Hardware. This is right up there with the Obama Blunder that left the highly secret Stealth Black Hawk Helo in Bin Laden’s Pakistani compound and long enough for the Pakistani Government to arrange for a full study and selective collections of components by both Chinese and Russian Intelligence operatives. The day will come, and you can expect it within the next 18-20 months, that the U.S. will suffer from the effects of its own weaponry.

visible decay uncontrollably breeding within the distended entrails of progressive abuses, the inertial reserve is fading and fading fast.”

Among the Leadership of most E.U and Middle East Nations it is now widely accepted that there is little, if any, reason to remain resolute with the U.S. at least while Biden remains in office.  Their collective mood swings are becoming even more erratic as they begin to consider how the World Order will significantly suffer because of Biden and the tribe of elitists who own him. Save for the few still attached to even the most elementary aspects of reality, few have dared move beyond the present to the world who replace him. While the U.S. electorate lives in its own fantasyland laced with the illusions of living-wage, free health care and kum ba yah zero-emission electrification the facts remain there’s a real world out there and real people who are only now just beginning to grasp that the current push toward the dystopian homogony of global feudalism is, in the simplest of terms, unsurvivable.

“Much like Rome the U.S. has made an enemy of its founding order; the primary difference between the two is that the U.S. managed the outcome at an accelerated rate.”

True, there remains a measured amount of steam boiled over from past success however if you’ve traveled about the Country and found yourself seizing from the sites of visible decay uncontrollably breeding within the distended entrails of progressive abuses, the inertial reserve is fading and fading fast. Whatever the store of reserves I assure you they are insignificant particularly in the face of what would be required to invent and the trigger a restorative process.

For comparative purposes consider this: The study of the rise and fall of Rome will reveal a time span of approximately 1,000 years or approximately forty generations. Considering the fact that the U.S. is a mere 246 years (or approximately 10 generations) along its own evolutionary process it should be quite unsettling to consider that Rome’s collapse accelerated much quicker than its ascension particularly due to the exponential growth in the consequential weight of the following: (1) Corporal Depravity. (2) Systemic Corruption. (3) Indigent Load-Factor. (4) Accelerated decline in Population due to Negative Birth Rate and Unrestricted Abortions. And (5) Unsustainable to economically sustain itself.  Take a moment and consider how each of these are interconnected with the whole of the drive to failure and one can, then, only conclude that not only will the U.S. collapse occur far more dramatically it will occur in a most abrupt manner, a sudden decompression not unlike an exploding ballon.

Much like Rome the U.S. has made an enemy of its founding order; the primary difference between the two is that the U.S. managed the outcome at blistering pace far in excess of Ancient Rome. At a recent public engagement, I was asked “If this is true, then how do explain why it happened?” My response was simple and straight to the point: “Your use of the word ‘if’ implies that you are either unaware of these effects or the infiltration has not yet reached a measurable or detectable effect. Whatever the case you query is rooted in a form of ambivalence that has become incredibly common, a type of intellectual morbidity. We need to return to a fundamental understanding, that distinctions are required to enable the process of discriminating either for or against and outcome. Unfortunately, at the present time, allowing this critical process to occur has become quite dangerous, unsafe, unpopular and so this unwillingness to hold to an obligatory order of outcome, the ideal of a positive construct bound to the expectation that a positive outcome however long it may take to occur is no longer an ideal but an aberration. This 50/50 centrist level of ambiguity is the answer to your ‘why’. The People of this Nation, or any that tempts the order of cause and effect, who believe that they can avoid culpability simply by not choosing to stand for or in opposition to it are living in the order of what I think of as perpetual adolescence and we all, the entire World, suffers for it.”

“…take a moment and drive the point of the following spike into your head: No one outruns the speed of consequence, Not A One and NOT EVER!”

The hypocrisy of both the House and the Senate, by account of their two-time Impeachment of Trump, is not lost on an Intelligent Mind’s observance of this Nation’s magnificent failures; they truly are lost in their efforts to find reason for these actions and yet the very same Nation remains complicit by their silence, their tolerance for the dangers Biden and his cabal of misfits provokes and the many demonstrations of his pure incompetence.

Can the World recover from a Biden Presidency? If the U.S. can’t or won’t then the answer to the former is largely irrelevant. Burry your heads in the sand, tolerate your and your countrymen’s thirst for ignorance and the comfort it seems to provide and do so with attention to the peril that awaits however before you do I ask that you take a moment and drive the point of the following spike into your head: No one outruns the speed of consequence, Not A One and NOT EVER!

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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