Rice-Obama & the Grand Deception

When you work the Policy Apparatus of Government one quickly discovers an ever-present undertow accompanying the allure of power; absolute power.

Directive’s whether in the form of secure narratives or in the form of spoken narratives-in-passing are quickly affirmed by a wink, a node or a subtle tap of the index finger to the brow. Quite unceremoniously “things” are set in motion with a near undetectable anonymity assures by layers of unaccountability; never the mind or with deference to Public Safety.

No, you don’t know about these hidden processes quite simply because you are not entitled to know. After all, in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, the sole beacon of capability dedicated to keeping the world safe for democracy, you don’t dare tarnish your sacred notion that we Americans would ever violate our sacred creed and stoop to this level of sleaze; only Russia does this sort of thing! Right?

Well, you may not engage in the nefarious schemes, but let me assure that those dedicated to preserving their bastions of power do and with a regularity worthy of extreme forms of scorn. For example: Do you really think any of the Government Inquiries are ever going to push Obama, or any former President, to the gallows? Do you really believe that Bill and/or Hillary will ever pay the price for their abuses? Oh yes, some anonymous grunt will be tossed to the gallows of scrutiny and suffer the applause of the poll-bears who readily assure the Public that justice has been done. Really?

Alexis de Tocqueville, a French political philosopher & writer from the mid-1800’s, once wrote:

‘The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.”

This gives me cause to wonder if this Nation has become so accustomed to the poisons of power that it no longer has the capability or capacity to distinguish itself apart from their influences. By now you should have little to no doubt that the “Russia-Trump” connection is a ruse, a complete fabrication and if that weren’t the case you’d have seen proof of it within weeks of Trump announcing his candidacy.

So why now, why continue the hopeless demagoguery? You need only a Biblical reminder, as a reference in contrast, to understand the effect of cause. In Matthew (5:39) he recounts a moment in Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount; “Do not resist him that is wicked; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.”

Corrupted Power is also corruptible power and it poisons everything it makes contact with and if you don’t turn away from its influences you are then equally complicit. To keep from exposing the inbred nature of its own complicity, its causal force, it must redirect scrutiny to another it claims to be and thus becomes your poison; the new Cause of the Effect being exposed. The System must protect itself; end of story. Whether or not he knew it and/or it was merely the blustering of a Candidate, Trump is correct; the Swamp needs draining.

For an expanded perspective, might I suggest one read the following article “Blaming Russia for Everything”; I believe you will find Mr. Parry’s observations of great interest.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

Blaming Russia for Everything

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