Speaking Reason to a Roman-Like Crucifixion & Subjugation

Weakness of standing, purpose and reason has always been the greatest exposure, the greatest risk for Totalitarian Regimes for the simple reason that the only offense they have for the rule must also serve as its only defense. Ultimately, the support of and for positive movement fails when allegiance is no longer both compelling and voluntary and this occurs simply because the “movement” is no longer positive or promising; it degrades to become predatory and in political terms this means Fascism and make no mistake that while in theory Socialism, Communism, Marxism or Capitalism may have their distinct differences in practices, they are patently misanthropic, spiritually nihilistic and intellectually psychopathic. (Note: Never confuse Free Market Economic Principles with Capitalism, they are in theory and in practice polar positions.)

In the days of Rome the death penalty wasn’t simply the ultimate punishment, it was far more than that; true it was intended to be an overwhelming statement of power but to simply terminate a life had no lasting impact, no sense of horror or threat. Such an anonymous act was less than enough for a prevailing disorder that required a regular feeding of its systemic weakness, no this type of sickness requires much more than simply enough. Yes, the necessities of excess required an event so vile, so horrific, so brutal and simultaneously humiliating that it stung the conscience, pierced the mind and ravaged the soul so much so that no One would dare tempt an Order with such power or so they would hope and so crucifixion become the order of commonality. Crucifixion, history tells us, was ended by Constantine in the 4th Century AD. At least until now.

Oh, it doesn’t end there! More than enough! Subjugation: A perpetual form of crucifixion, a method of imprisonment sufficiently subtle allowing avoidance of the more conspicuous display of the common prison-like fortress and yet far more damning for the individual as they have no visible barriers defining the who or what, the how it or they are determined or the mechanisms available to be used to enforce this maniacal form of imprisonment. In essence its prevailing use is the very embodiment of evil corrupting power corrupting with absolute conviction. In the current era and until recently a U.S. Citizen would have only China, N. Korea and Iran for comparative purposes for the most conspicuous practitioners of extreme forms of subjugation. At least until now.

If you are paying attention to the goings on in Washington, DC or of the general chatter, the drawn and quartered discord occurring during the Impeachment philandering (it clearly cannot be referred to as a process because it was anything but) of Wednesday, January 13, 2021 then you will understand why it is that I’m having difficulty identifying who or what that these pejorative-peasants were speaking for or to. No one with a brain or conscience (hopefully both) should be willing to support open warfare on the U.S. Constitution and the American Public and yet that is precisely what occurred.

Their exhibition was quite fluent in its actual and authentic demonstration of what is truly, and in actual effect, both insurrectionist and an anti-democratic act; they never bothered with making threats, no they went straight for the public crucifixion, for open and wanton subjugation. Yes, they wanted, they needed more than enough, they wanted to make it clear to all those contesting their supremacy that they’re in charge. They don’t mind of course simply because you don’t matter.

Yes, in mere moments Nancy Pelosi, happily endorsed by Beijing-Joe, and her cabal of treasonous misfits (both Democrat & Republic opportunist to man) managed to do the following:

  • Destroyed a fundamental principle of representative government: The Separation of Powers
  • Destroyed the solemnity of and the distinctive primacy of The Executive Branch
  • Destroyed the Due Process Clause
  • And affect what can only be described as the functional annulment of several other components that make up the Bill of Rights chief among them being protected privileges of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly.

There is no guess work here or are we metaphorically modeling a narrative; make no mistake as this is exactly what took place.

This nation has abruptly stepped off the plateau of moral authority and directly through the gates of unbridled hubris and having done so surrendered any allegiance or reverence for reason and the Ideals upon which this Nation was formed. I’ve read and listen to commentaries in the media, in the community of various social platforms and even within the sacred realm of family and I am stricken by the brutality, the absolute abandonment of civility.

The senselessness of it all makes it clear that speaking reason to a horde who will openly and willingly target another in a manner that is nothing short of a public crucifixion and total subjugation can only find its power-source from the pit where deep-seated fears find weakness a companion in the processes which openly vents in the vile and contemptable acts of vengeance.

It is foolish to believe that vengeance severely executed removes the fear of retaliation; absolutely NOT SO! Those who tell you this ignore the swing of the pendulum which one can no more suspend than the inevitability of consequence. All that these fools in DC have done is to have increased the force of the inevitable response and rest assured, it is inevitable.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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