Tag Archives: demand capacity

A Perspective on Universal Basic Income (UBI)

The concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been around for decades. Recently, an article appeared (see link below) teasing the curiosity and interest of several folks who asked me to comment. The great, generally, challenge with the UBI concept is that it requires alignment in an either/or paradigm. Each with their own respective questions, do you maintain a structurally sound economic/banking policy, or do you embark on a complete departure course from them?

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Bush-Obama; Dreadnoughts of the Governing Class

With both former Presidents recently taking the stage, each for their own specific interests, the press would have you believe that their respective patois was a slice’n dice of Trumps Presidency; not so.

Former President Obama’s presentation, a stump-grinding pitch for Virginia Governor Candidate Ralph Norman, was true to form complete with a delirious droll, well-known cadence and as to content, mostly topical retread. The reality for President Obama, despite our best hopes, is that he’ll never escape the fact that his two-term festival-of-the-entitled is a catalogue of failures, one that history will not soon forget.

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