Careful, don’t let the door hit you on the way “in”; yes in deed, it definitely swings both ways!
The build-up to the election has reached a crescendo all it’s own with one after the other political machine punch-drunk with positionings of various kinds and politicians fatigued by the routine. I mean, really how many variations is there on the theme “…if you elect me I’ll go to Washington and get the government busy creating jobs and clean out the partisan sewage.” Selah!
As I’ve said (and written) countless times:
“I believe that our greatest challenge will be overcoming the risk of confining the discussion as being that of a choice between one of two Political Ideologies when in fact, it is a far greater and more meaningful issue. What appears to have been forgotten is that our form of Government is not one of political hegemony but of an Ideal unto itself. We must restore this Ideal so that each is free to pursue ones own course such that this Ideal is both perfected and preserved!”
Recently I had a very nice visit with the host of “Liberty Watch”, Charles Heller. At some point in the conversation he said to me, “…you know Curtis, freedom is a messy business!” He’s absolutely correct. Freedom and its expresser, Liberty are concepts that are far too often lost in the nebulae of adolescent notions akin to “impulse will, at will” and no impression could be further from the truth. They are messy because they both require a heavy dosage of conscience, reverence and an undying willingness to abide with each- all occurring simultaneously. Alexis de Tocqueville understood the truth of this position quite well:
“The health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by private citizens.”
There is no coincidence in the design of this Nations form of government and to the extent it has been successful is the extent to which “private citizens”, who become elected officials, persist in the messiness of perfecting Freedom and for those who are not nor have ambitions to become elected officials, insisting that the process occur. It is in the areas identified by these two distinct observations that we have waivered so conspicuously.
I have no doubt that the November 2nd election will usher in a waive of “red” (republicans). I am confident the House will be returned to the “R” side of things, if Mr. Toomey of Pennsylvania and Fiorina in California (what I refer to as the “tipping States”) win the day – I believe there’s a 70/30 in favor that the Senate will go to the “R” side of the scales as well. As to Governorships, potentially this Nations greatest source of salvation (I’m referring to the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and issues relating to “nullification” which I discuss in the Blind Vision trilogy), if both Colorado and California pass to the “R” designation, then one can expect an overwhelming number of States to tip in the same direction as well.
Partisan Politics, by the way, is why Freedom and Liberty are so darn messy!
In the end, regardless of the trend or outcome of Tuesday, November 2nd, remember this: The systemic architecture that has institutionalized failure still remains an integral part of the government and its processes. To overcome its force and collateral temptations “…a heavy dosage of conscience, reverence and an undying willingness to abide…” will be required to neutralize these endemic forces; and of course, a public devoted to insisting that they are.
Once again:
“…our greatest challenge will be overcoming the risk of confining the discussion as being that of a choice between one of two Political Ideologies when in fact, it is a far greater and more meaningful issue. What appears to have been forgotten is that our form of Government is not one of political hegemony but of an Ideal unto itself.”
I pray for those who are and for those who are soon to be in positions of leadership that the brilliant light of Devine Mind will consume their hearts and minds with a reverence to a cause worth perfecting. I pray that you do as well. After all, the cause is Providential, it is Unalienable, it is for those things We Hold to Be Self-evident and worthy of our very best efforts.
As Andrew Jackson said:
“Americans are not a perfect people, we are however called to a perfect mission.”
I’m confident in the truth of his words and I trust you are as well – they are both an admonition and an affirmation.
Curtis C. Greco, Founder