Why GOP Favors Clinton & Securitized Corruptible Gain

Think of it; a Candidate (Trump) duly nominated by an overwhelming majority of Americans openly opposed by members of the same party; unbelievable. It doesn’t require one to be an intellectual giant to understand the opposition to Trump and the toxic level of bias and mischaracterizations being crafted for the sole purpose of getting Clinton elected.

We know there’s no substantive allegiance, by Politicians or their benefactors, for preserving and protecting the sovereign status of the Unite States. That die is cast and well entrenched as is their contempt for the American People.

But why Clinton? Simple: Clintons are malleable chameleon-like organisms that long ago accepted the principal of “securitized corruptible gain” as a most effective tool for agenda advancement. In its simplest form it is the practice of inducing allegiance; the inducement being so overwhelming that the targeted party will violate its own compass.

Once accomplished the arrangement is “securitized” by the mere fact that the Target is so terrifically at risk they are Owned and thus Neutralized as an Adversary simply due to the unsurvivable risk of exposure. It’s a most advanced form of treachery and most precarious for the participants primarily because eventually the sequence turns and begins to feed upon itself.

Now, to be fair, this concept is not new to the political sphere however, since the rise of the Clinton’s it has become so common that it is now considered an implicit understanding within the global community of the political and business elite. To the extent that neither can survive without the other and the Clinton’s actually set up an institution for the express purpose of managing the process; the Clinton Global Initiative.

To be sure, the consequences of this Clintonian-Exercise is now fully institutionalized and the GOP opposition to Trump is simply yet another iteration and another example of why She must never be elected. 

The following are a select group of responses to questions/comments received after the original article was published. We believe you will find them of interest.  

#1: He was not nominated by an overwhelming majority of Americans, he wasn’t even nominated by a majority of his own party (contributed by follower).

Like I said above, and I’m in no need of defense, the comment was an implicit reference to the primaries and the nomination process and most specifically in juxtaposition to the efforts of Romney and the GOP Opposition Trump defeated. Yes, I willingly confess that I should have been more specific with reference to my use of “Americans” however, I made an assumption believing that the reference would have been understood particularly within the context of my post.

It was not intended to insight a sparing match of wits over the suggestion that my text was somehow to imply a national referendum, but merely to provide evidentiary magma in an effort to expose yet another hypocrisy occurring within the GOP apparatus. There are critical events and issues evolving in States around the globe that telegraph the plans of Clintonites/Globalists et al and Americans, evidenced by their support of Clinton, that are clearly unaware of and to be sure I am no more a supporter of Trump than I would be of the plague save for one scenario: If being consumed by the plague were avoidable.

The way Americans are positioning their discussions regarding Clinton vs. Trump you’d think they were merely talking about the color selection of their shoe laces; one would hope it was so benign. If George Washington were running for President in the forum of the current era, Americans would turn him away on the grounds that he had wooden teeth, the pretention being that he would be unable to entertain foreign dignitaries at a State Dinner simply and his dentures would thus be intolerably unfashionable, after all we are such a fashionably-correct People.

When one is unable to see past the false premise simulating reality then any illusion forms a valiant substitute for substantive truth. I will never accept this quorum of thought as a pathway to our highest and best outcome. Not ever!  

#2: The numbers are the numbers BK. I’ve no need to either make up context or fact. I’ll leave that to the U.S. Media and the Political apparatus. Lastly, let’s be clear; I don’t need you to agree with me or any of my positions. What I do need for you to consider, and hope that you will, is that perspective is not always relevant or is repetition a foundation for substance. Either way, I am grateful for your willingness to engage; it is the surest way to find agreement,…eventually.  

#3: My reference was to the “primary’s” and when you consider the totality of the votes, over Romney, it is indeed overwhelming.  

#4: Funny, you made no mention of that whatsoever in the post. You were caught in a lie, and now you are spinning. (contributed by follower). 

Shame on you; there’s been no other election/nomination than the Primary so what other reference could it have possibly been? Stop reading and listening to the misfits on Fox, CNN, etc. and start thinking on substance and not on conjecture; it doesn’t work here.

I’d be willing to engage you on any issue you like, but you’ll have to base it on the bedrock of reason and not syllogisms. I can tell from the way you tender your objections that you’re quite capable however, it is on your current calculus of reasoning and substance you and I will differ.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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